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Thursday, February 28, 2019

I recently got an interesting story told to me by a man I will only call Anthony. Even thought the events happened many years ago, it goes along with numerous other tales about kids and Bigfoot.

We can't bring up the subject without mentioning the recent story where the little boy was missing and later found. The little boy say a bear helped him but many believe the "bear" was a Bigfoot. And it makes more sense that it was a Bigfoot. The 3 year old boy was missing for days and once found stated something to the effect that  "A friendly bear helped him"

So, this story by Anthony adds to the many tales of Bigfoot being curious about children.
Here is Anthony's story.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then The Bigfoot
Not Rated. Running Time: 97 mins.
Amazon Link to film - Click Here

Movie Review: The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then The Bigfoot

By Dorraine Fisher

The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then The Bigfoot, starring Sam Elliott and Aidan Turner is not what you’d expect. This is a really cheesy title for a film attempting to be as serious as it can. And I think it succeeds...for the most part.

As Sam Elliott arguably delivers some of the best acting of his career, I would venture to guess that many bigfoot believers, as unconventional as they are, would be able to get past the strangeness of the premise of this film and really enjoy it. Though many bigfoot researchers could be left completely cold by the Hollywood-style portrayal of the bigfoot... or completely delighted. The jury’s still out.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Bigfoot: Where’s The Body?

By Dorraine Fisher

The most common question Bigfoot skeptics ask is “Where’s the body?” Many think that if Bigfoot does indeed exist, then why haven’t we found a body?

But Bigfoot researchers who spend a lot of time in the woods and understand nature better than most skeptics know that, in the woods, you don’t find many bodies...of any animal. And historically, there have not been many good skeletal remains of any kind of woodland primates found.

Why? Because in the forest, where Bigfoot is believed to reside, decomposition is quick and thorough making the recovery of a Bigfoot cadaver or any other creature much less likely. So, we’re not surprised that a body hasn’t been found.

Monday, February 25, 2019

7 Ways To Become An Empowered Empath

By Dorraine Fisher

As empaths, we’re sometimes told that we’re gifted. The rest of the time we’re told that we’re cursed. We have a sense of both sides at different times. But how did we get this way? We weren’t born this way. We evolved into what we are. As children, we were probably placed in a situation constantly of some kind of torment or abuse. You may say you were never really abused, but there are different kinds of abuse. Any situation in which you were told your natural inclinations were wrong, or you felt you always had to be on guard to defend yourself can be considered abusive. And from this torment, you learned to read people and be more sensitive to them and the nuances of your environment. Because you learned that you needed to be prepared and have your guard up at all times.  So one thing all empaths have in common is that we feel vulnerable like we have to protect ourselves against...well...everyone...and everything. Since we’re ultra-sensitive and we feel everything, we feel the pain and sadness of others and we take it all unto ourselves. And it’s easy to get overwhelmed. So, as adults, we often close ourselves off in order to avoid the depression and anxiety that often comes with it. This is what leads us to believe we’re cursed. But are we cursed, really?

Thursday, February 21, 2019

So, a few days ago I ran across this image on social media. The best I can recall I have never seen the image before, so this got my curiosity up and I had to start researching it. In the photograph we see what appears to be a human shaped figure lying on the ground.

Some think it could possibly be a Bigfoot waiting or watching the people taking the picture. Others think that the figure is more in line with the paranormal and think it could be a demon. A few have also suggested it could be a Dogman.

Adding to the creep factor is the fact there is a missing persons flyer posted on the rock wall.

I was able to track down some information about the image and later traced down a video explaining it in even more detail.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Was Tesla Right? Should We All Be Obsessing About The Numbers 3,6, and 9?

Some Things To Consider

By Dorraine Fisher

The Solfeggio frequencies are believed to be part of a 6-tone scale that was used in ancient music. They were and are believed by many to be sacred frequencies that promote health and well-being and spiritual enlightenment. They were used to promote spiritual harmony and were most popularly known in the Gregorian Chants.

Humanity is only just starting to learn about the science of sound frequency known as cymatics. But the concept is ancient, and we’re starting to believe that a lot of knowledge of it was lost somewhere along the line. But we now understand that there are beneficial frequencies and harmful ones. They can be used for good or evil; to cure disease and ease suffering or to impart torture or even death. There is some controversy surrounding the fact that the tuning frequency of modern music was changed during Nazi Germany from 432 Hz, a beneficial frequency, to 440 Hz, a harmful frequency, in order to better control the masses. Are we being manipulated by frequencies?  It’s important to understand what they’re all about. And that’s where Nikola Tesla comes in.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Re-creation of sighting
I recently got a report from West Virginia. West Virginia is an area that is very much like the mountains we have here in Southeastern Kentucky. These area are great places for creatures like Bigfoot.

This particular report is from many years ago, but it is still important to document and log these report. The size estimate of the creature in this report is very similar to the numerous reports I have gathered in my area in Kentucky. Also of interest is the described behavior.

Here is the report:

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Sighting Location
We recently got in a Thunderbird report. As you may know, if you follow our website, we have taken in numerous reports of these extremely large birds. While Thunderbirds are mainly considered a myth by many, reports of these large birds have been documented for a very long time. Many of these reports are very creditable.

For those who might be unfamiliar with Thunderbirds, here is a little information.

The Thunderbird is a legendary creature in certain North American indigenous peoples' history and culture. It is considered a supernatural being of power and strength. It is especially important, and frequently depicted, in the art, songs, and oral histories of many Pacific Northwest Coast cultures, but is also found in various forms among some peoples of the American Southwest, East Coast of the United States, Great Lakes, and Great Plains.

Thunderbird is a term used in cryptozoology to describe large, bird-like creatures, generally identified with the Thunderbird of Native American tradition. While the fossil record does show that giant birds (teratorns) with wingspans between 4 and 5 m (13 and 16 ft) were likely contemporary with early man, the creature is generally regarded as a myth or legend.

With that said, here is the report.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Are You Dreaming About Monsters? Here’s Why
By Dorraine Fisher

Monsters are real.

At least in the darkest corners of our minds. They’re deeply entrenched in our psyche and even in our conscious thoughts. So, it’s no wonder they turn up in our dreams. But why are they always there?

We seem to be naturally drawn to the idea of them. It starts in childhood from the earliest days we’re able to construct complete thoughts. Even if we’ve never seen one, the monsters are always lurking. Why? Because fear is always lurking. The unknown is real. And when we’re a child, so much is unknown to us. Fear is ever-present. We feel powerless without the protection of adults. So, the monsters are more real to us then.

But what about when we’re adults? As we grow older and become better informed, why don’t the monsters disappear?

Friday, February 8, 2019

Just got in a report, that I'm assuming has never been reported until now, of some howls from Letcher county Kentucky. This is an area that is not very far from me.

Of course Letcher county has a lot of forest area and is adjacent to Harlan county. It is idea habitat for a creature such as Bigfoot.

Over the years I have taken in numerous Bigfoot reports from Letcher county and have, in times past, spent some time in that area of Kentucky.

Here is the report:

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Live From The Field

This is a rebroadcast from the 2/5/2019 live broadcast from the field. During the broadcast I tell about several encounters, a personal encounter, track findings and some general information about Bigfoot and the area.

I also answer some questions and acknowledge people who were viewing the stream live. You also get to see some beautiful areas here in Southeastern Kentucky.

Here is the video:
The Crypto Crew - Submit Sighting - TCC Team
Interactive Sightings Map

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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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