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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Bigfoot of Roachdale, Indiana

In August 1972 bigfoot came to the home of Randy and Lou Rogers of Roachdale, Indiana.

They first became aware of something coming around their farmhouse early in the month. Whatever it was made its presence known by banging on the walls and windows of the farmhouse, gradually increasing each night. When Roger would run outside to try to catch who or what it was; he would catch only a glimpse of something heavily built, around 6 ft. tall disappearing through a cornfield. For two to three weeks this creature would arrive between 10 and 11:30 each night, bringing with it an odor like a dead animal or rotting garbage.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Menehune: Hawaii's Enigmatic Littlefoot

Nestled within the lush, verdant landscapes of Hawaii, legends speak of a mysterious race known as the Menehune. These small, dwarf-like beings, often likened to "Littlefoot," are an integral part of Hawaiian mythology, captivating the imaginations of locals and visitors alike. They are reported to be around three feet tall. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sightings in Iowa in the 1970s

Iowa has a long history of bigfoot sightings. An old newspaper clipping states: " It' is the mysterious creature folks around here have heard about for 50 years -- a furry, scary thing that stands like a man."

The article continued by telling of a woman who talked of hunters and trappers who would tell tales of animals that walked like men when she first moved to the area as a young girl.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Rant: Why Are There No Clear Videos or Photos of Bigfoot?

RANT the first.

Did a lot of soul-searching before writing this post. It is one of the most difficult I have done. But I can stay silent no longer. So here it is - My Rant.

A common cry: "Why are there no clear videos or photos of bigfoot?"

Yeah, I get that. We are all tired of the Shadowsquatch, the Blobsquatch, the Stumpsquatch, the Brushsquatch, the Groupsquatch. Somedays it can just make us scream with frustration. We enlarge, we enhance, we manipulate and we squint in despair at many of these photos and videos before shaking our heads and moving on.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

CrimePrint | The Mysterious Death of Nancy Argentino

It is time for another episode of CrimePrint. In this episode, we look at a case that seems to have a clear answer but also has many questions.
Nancy Argentino died in 1983 at the age of 23 after being rushed to a hospital with a serious head injury. She had stayed in a motel room with Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka in Whitehall Township, Pennsylvania. Her death was the result of head trauma. 
Host: Leo Frank & Rebecca MacFarlane
Here is the episode.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Alien Abduction Case

I had gone to bed rather late; it was about 3:00 a.m., in the morning, and I couldn't sleep. I lay in the darkness, trying to nod off when suddenly I heard this strange sound that reverberated throughout my body.  It sounded like a metallic sound, very deep, and unlike anything I had ever heard before.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Wisconsin Has Sasquatch

Wisconsin is not just pasture land and cows and Milwaukee. There are rivers and lakes and forested land. And there are sasquatch.

In 1964, a man driving down State Highway 89, reported seeing a sasquatch run across the highway in front of him. This happened shortly after midnight and was near the Illinois border. When the sasquatch crossed in front of him, it jumped the fences on either side of the highway.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Kinderhook Creatures
"I heard this ungodly sound coming from the woods". In 1979 a family in Kinderhook, NY began having strange encounters with unknown creatures. The Hallenbecks stated that over three years, there were several instances where they have been visited, virtually terrorized, by a creature they claim to be Bigfoot. Three generations had terrifying run-ins with a large hairy beast in the woods around their home. "It just seemed like whatever this was, just kind of showed up here" stated Bruce Hallenbeck. Mysterious occurrences that all point to one outrageous explanation. "I didn't really expect that a Bigfoot-type creature would show up literally in my backyard," said Hallenbeck.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Exploring the Mountains | 6-19-24

The temperatures have been really hot in Kentucky for the last couple of weeks. Even when it is hot outside, I like to get out in the mountains.

On this day we took a short ATV ride and explored an area I rarely visit. It was a fun but kind of short adventure. We found a few interesting things.

Check out the video.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Bigfoot Research Area | 6-11-24

The wife and I finally had a chance to go hiking in one of my Bigfoot research areas. I have only been in this particular area 2 or 3 times this year. One of the times was a very cold winter hike I took back near the end of January. So, I was excited to get back into the area.

We found several interesting things and made a short video of our adventure.
Here is the video.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Mysteries Unlimited Presents CrimePrint

In case anyone was not aware, we soft-launched a new podcast series called CrimePrint. It is a podcast where we focus on crime-related stories and events. Things like strange disappearances and heinous crimes are the main topics of the show.

I will be narrating some episodes but we also have team members Leo Frank and Rebecca Macfarlane hosting shows.
Check out the first two episodes

Thursday, June 6, 2024

"Blurry Forest" by Anna Brunk
What Makes a Hoax?

"A hoax is a deliberately fabricated falsehood made to masquerade as truth." - Wikipedia
"A humorous or malicious deception." - Bing hh

"Something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage; the use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to extract money from them)." - Free Dictionary.

"A label freely thrown around the Bigfoot Community to discredit those who post theories, 'evidence', discoveries, suggestions, etc. that do not correspond with the 'Inner circle' views or that come from any 'Outsider'." - Nancy Marietta

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Almas | A Body and Other Evidence | Part 5

In 1980, a Mongolian government employee came across a dead body while working in Bulgan.
At first, he thought it was a human body. But when he got a closer look, he knew differently.

"I approached and saw the hairy corpse of a robust humanlike creature dried and half-buried by sand. I had never seen such a humanlike being before covered by camel-color brownish-yellow short hairs and I recoiled, although, in my native land in Sinkiang, I had seen many dead men killed in battle . . .  The dead thing was not a bear or ape and at the same time, it was not a man like Mongol or Kazakh or Chinese and Russian. The hairs on its head were longer than on its body. The skin was darkened and shriveled like the hide of a dead camel".
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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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