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The Paranormal Analyst - In-Depth Research - Objective Analysis - Education!
Squatch Watch Canada  - Stop by and say hi to Candy!
Mid Continent Paranormal - Always searching for the truth!
The Crypto Journal - Ohio Bigfoot Hunters!
Phantoms and Monsters - Blog Site of Lon Strickler!
Area 51 - The Secret Headquarters for UFO and Paranormal reports.
Frontiers of Zoology  - Dale Drinnon's Blog.
Bigfoot Encounters  - Lots of news and stories.
Sasquatch Watch Of Virgina - A bigfoot and wildlife scientific field research group.
Paranormal Geeks Radio - Paranormal Geeks DO outnumber normal people.
ufowebsite - Current News and events about aliens, UFOs, and More!
Cranberry Coast Paranormal -  Paranormal Researcher from Massachusetts.
NEPANH - North East Paranormal Associates.
Crypto Tracker - Bigfoot, Aliens, and UFO videos
Cryptomundo -  It's a Cryptid World
Crypto Addicts - Shop Sasquatch! Find products featuring Bigfoot art by RobRoy Menzies!
Squatchachusetts - Group of researchers looking for bigfoot in Massachusetts.
Ghost Hunting Theories - Great Blog by author and paranormal investigator, Sharon Day.
Bigfoot Central-The Genoskwa Project - Bigfoot Investigations and Research in Ohio
All things Paranormal  - Come explore all things related to the paranormal.
Monster X Radio - Radio show about Bigfoot and other Cryptids.
Paranormalvids.com - Awesome collection of videos from around the web.
The Chattahoochee Bigfoot - Historical and contemporary accounts of Bigfoot.
Best magic spells services -  Get all information regarding free black magic spells, and white magic spells through saulat khan. Money spells that work fast and magic spells for lost love spells.
Free magic spells services  - Magic Spells and White Magic Spells at Now Spells. We help you to Cast Free Magic Spells, Money Spells, White Magic Spells, and Love Spells. Cast Black and White Magic Spells for any Problem.
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What is Bigfoot  - Bigfoot theories, Mega Store, and more!
Sasquatch Alberta  - On a mission to chronicle the existence of the creature known as Sasquatch (Bigfoot) in the province of Alberta, Canada.
Strangilla - All the unknown, unexplained subjects are gathered from all around the internet and garnered here for you. 

FabianTrahan.com - Great Site for those interested in Ghost Hunting, home of Ectophobia Radio Paranormal Talk & Music Shows, and home of The ParaSanctum Podcast.

Let's Find Out with Co-Host Diego - Join in on an adventure into the world of the inexplicable and get insights from experienced researchers, investigators, and experts.

The Crypto Crew - Submit Sighting - TCC Team
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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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