I recently got an interesting story told to me by a man I will only call Anthony. Even thought the events happened many years ago, it goes along with numerous other tales about kids and Bigfoot.
We can't bring up the subject without mentioning the recent story where the little boy was missing and later found. The little boy say a bear helped him but many believe the "bear" was a Bigfoot. And it makes more sense that it was a Bigfoot. The 3 year old boy was missing for days and once found stated something to the effect that "A friendly bear helped him"
So, this story by Anthony adds to the many tales of Bigfoot being curious about children.
Here is Anthony's story.
"I've been researching the Sasquatch clans for going on 45 years. And have had many related experiences. Some quite amusing and some just downright horrifying.
My first contact was when I was about eight years old. My cousin who was the same age as me were staying the night with one of our friends who lived outside of town in the country. Like I said we were just kids. I'm guessing it was about 1964 or 65. After playing hard all day, it was time for bed. We asked if we could sleep outside on the porch? At that time their porch was only half built. The only thing missing was the roof, it was open to the sky. It was the middle of summer and the old folks didn't have much of a problem with it.
As we settled down in our blankets we started telling spook stories. I wasn't scared because I had a small pocketknife. Believe me at 8 years old that was enough. Mind you it wasn't sharp cause I used it to dig worms earlier that day. One by one we were out like lights. The next thing I know one of the dogs woke me up by scratching on the porch. I woke up my cousin and he yelled at the dogs to git. Right after that it sounded like something was scratching on the outside wall. It was loud enough to wake our friend as well. We all were holding our knives by that time. Still laying honour backs, we looked up and something was staring down at us.
Nobody knew what it was. Not monkey looking but had long hair over what we could see. From the shoulders up. My cousin let out a yelp and then me. We heard it slide back down after we yelled. The old folks came out and asked what was a matter? We told them what we had seen and grannie told us to come in.
As we got older we started asking about those kind of things. And what Grannie told us will have to be in another message. She didn't want to tell us when we were kids because it would have scared the hell out of us.
This happened in northeast Oklahoma.
I remember Grannie telling us when we got older, not to go into those bottoms after dark. And that we should just leave those things alone.
Thanks for your time
A very interesting story indeed. It reminds me of a local story that was recently shared with me from a friend. This friend sadly passed away recently. You can read her Bigfoot story about a possible attempted abduction by Clicking Here
A big thanks to Anthony for sharing his event with us.

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