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Monday, April 29, 2019

Another possible Bigfoot track found in the mountains of southeastern Kentucky! As some of you may know, Bell and Harlan counties are becoming hotbeds for Bigfoot sightings and track findings.

I was recently contacted by a lady, that I know very well, about a very large track she found near her home in Bell county, Kentucky. She sent me a couple photographs and told me some details about the track.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Hawkesbury River Monster

Mysterious water monsters are not unusual. The Loch Ness Monster and Lake Champlain’s Champ are just two creatures belonging to this fascinating class of cryptid. However, New South Wales, Australia has its own resident water creature, known as the Hawkesbury River Monster.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Making A Great Scary Video To Share Online

If you’ve got a scary story you want to tell the world, you can film it on your smartphone - 52% of people make videos on their phones. It’s a simple way to make a short movie that is high quality, and perfect for sharing online. In America, 92% of people watch and share videos online; in fact, 82% of all internet traffic is video. This means that your homemade creepy video could quite easily go viral and get a mainstream following.

Monday, April 22, 2019

I can remember seeing the above picture many years ago and found it intriguing. I had also seen where some people thought that the dark figure was, or at least could be, a Bigfoot. Of course, we know that the dark figure is not a bigfoot but a person.

This image is from a very isolated tribe. In fact, this tribe is considered one of the world's last uncontacted peoples, even though there has been some contact with them over the years.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Found during the investigation.

Hickory Chicken Hunters Find Bigfoot Tracks Investigation

I got the following report from a couple of family members who would out-hunting hickory chickens.
While looking for the edible mushroom they found some possible bigfoot tracks. One set of larger tracks and a set of smaller tracks.

They contacted me that night and gave me the location. It was an area that I'm familiar with, so I made plans to go there the following morning and investigate the area.

Here is the initial report and the investigation of the area.

Monday, April 15, 2019

From Empath To Psychic - Turning Your Heightened Sensitivity To Empowerment

By Dorraine Fisher

Whether we like it or not, feelings are important. But no one knows this quite like an empath whose world is dominated by feelings.

Many more people these days are realizing they are empaths. And this realization can often scare them to death. Empaths naturally seem to have a difficult existence. They often feel doomed to suffer with a world full of negative emotional stimuli that can leave them feeling depleted and exhausted.  For this reason, they often believe themselves to be victims that must constantly protect their energy and avoid stressful situations. And they can identify with these beliefs so much that they fail to realize the gift they possess. As an empath myself, I can say I started out with a very negative outlook about it, like I was cursed. But that only made me more determined to research and learn about how I could turn my empathic curse into something positive. And the answers I found were better than I could have hoped for. Empaths are natural-born psychics.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Dare You Enter The Most Haunted Hotels In America?

Fancy an unusual vacation? How about visiting some of the most haunted hotels in America. These are places that are steeped in history, shadowed by the memories of murders, suicides, and untimely deaths. There are regular reports of ghosts, evil spirits, and poltergeists and events that simply cannot be explained. You can spend the night, or simply just visit and soak up the atmosphere. Just make sure you are prepared to be terrified.

Friday, April 5, 2019

How You Can Control Your Dreams

Did you know that there are dreams that you can control? They’re called lucid dreams. You’re aware that you are dreaming, but you can sometimes guide yourself through the dream. Between 51 and 82 percent of people report experiencing lucid dreaming at least once in their life, but only 20 percent of those people have managed to truly master it. Here are some of the ways you can work to control your dreams and feel well rested.
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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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