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Friday, August 31, 2018

Tips for Telling Spooky Ghost Stories at a Kids Camping Weekend

In 2017, it was revealed that 13 million American families intended to camp more than they did in 2016, according to the 2017 North American Camping Report. Camping can be a great activity to do with the kids and there are plenty of things to keep everyone entertained to take part in.

One great idea, depending on the age of your children, is to tell spooky ghost stories while you are camping. There are some great ideas to help you set the scene and create a spooky atmosphere that is suitable for the whole family.
Setting the scene

In order to create the perfect atmosphere for telling ghost stories, there are a number of things that you can do. First of all, start off by making a campfire. The crackling of the wood and the light from the fire will definitely help to make things spooky. Once you have done this, place some large logs around the fire to act as seating.

Make sure the ghost stories are kid friendly

Whilst there are plenty of well-known ghost stories that are utterly terrifying, these may not be suitable for a family camping trip. The first thing to do is a little research on local ghostly tales. If these are a little too scary for the whole family, then you can alter them to make them so. Alternatively, if you take a look online then you will see that there are plenty of kid friendly ghost stories to tell.

Give the children flashlights

If you are going to be telling ghost stories around the campfire , then you might want to make sure that the children don’t get too scared. One of the things that you can do to help with this is to give them flashlights . The extra lighting will help them if things get a little too spooky.

By doing all of these things, you can make sure that you and your family have a great evening of ghostly tales whilst enjoying a family camping weekend. Add things like marshmallows for toasting on the campfire, and hot drinks like cocoa and you are set for the perfect family camping evening. Your children will really value the family memories in years to come, and possibly even carry on the tradition with their own family once they reach adulthood.


This is a contributed post by Jane Sandwood. Jane has been a freelance writer and editor for over 10 years. She writes for both digital and print across a wide variety of fields. Her main interest is exploring how people can improve their health and wellbeing in their everyday lives. When she isn't writing, Jane can often be found with her nose in a book, at the gym or just spending time with her family.

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1 comment:

  1. Kids always demand to hear the ghost story at camping time as the atmosphere suits it perfectly in the darkness while there has some light but the feelings of ours can take it anr have a feelings of ghostly things. So it is really nice idea to come up with some spooky ghost stories as our surrounding demand.


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