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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Mock up photo of the report.
In my travels and research I sometimes run across some interesting reports about Bigfoot. The report featured today was one that I was not familiar with and can't recall hearing about it. The case comes from Washington County, Missouri. Missouri is home to a bigfoot like beast known as MOMO. The name Momo is just a short term for Missouri Monster.

It seems that a call came into the sheriffs office a little after 2am that a man had shot a 7 foot tall "hairy beast" 9 times at point blank range.  The call was taken very seriously and about a dozen officers, from two different police departments, were dispatched to an areas known as Hamilton Hollow.

Hamilton Hollow is just south of the 6896 acre Meramec State Park in Franklin County.

Washington County Sheriff Pete Floros reported that Arbie Boyer of Sullivan, said he shot and wounded a 7 foot tall beast. Mr. Boyer told the officers he pumped 9 rounds at point blank range from a .22 caliber long rifle semi-automatic pistol into the chest of a seven foot tall hairy animal which he said was within 20 feet of the front door of his home.

He showed the officers where the first shots were fired and they found the empty shell casings on the ground and they were taken as evidence.

Mr. Boyer said the animal walked upright with it's head almost met at its' shoulders and no visible neck and that the arms hung by its sides almost to where the knees should be. He said it was brown in color and appeared to be covered with matted hair.

After the shots were fired, the animal turned and slowly walked away. Boyer said at that time he ran back inside the cabin/house and returned in time to get off one shot from a 45/70 caliber rifle, which he said hit the beast in the area of its right shoulder.

About a dozen officers spent almost two hours searching through the woods but were unable to find sufficient tracks in the dark on that very cold winter morning. They gave up the search shortly after 4am.

Boyer was able to draw a rough sketch of the beast and what he described fit the description known in this area of the country as the Missouri “Mo Mo,” Bigfoot or Sasquatch.

Responding officers were from the Sullivan Police Department and the Franklin County Sheriff's Department.

Franklin County, Missouri
January 1, 1969 - Sullivan Independent News

So, there you go another very old and historical sighting account in which 2 police departments were involved. They must have believed the man and could tell something really happened. I don't think they would have spent the time out in the woods if they thought the guy was just making something up. Experienced police officers normally know when someone is being untruthful but they must have not seen anything suspicious in what Mr. Boyer was saying.
I'm assuming that Mr. Boyer was frightened by this creature being so close to this house and that is why he reacted the way he did.

In any case, it was a pretty interesting account and I hope you enjoyed it. 


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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