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Monday, January 2, 2012

TCC-  Waiting....it can cause people to wonder,worry,doubt and to speculate. It was a nice surprise to see that Dr. Ketchum posted  a direct statement about the release of the DNA Paper. The following statement was posted on her facebook account.
Dr. Melba Ketchum says-
"For everyone that keeps asking for when the paper will be out, please understand that
1) I cannot talk about our data or it will never get published. Those are journal rules.
2) I cannot divulge which journal as that will kill our paper also so speculation is futile.
3) Peer review and publication can take 5 to 26 weeks and then there is the question of revision where they ask you to change or ...re-write or edit some of the paper. It is a rare paper that is accepted without some revision. I know this because I peer review for some well known scientific journals also. 4) Timing is very difficult to say the least because of #3 and once again, I am sure the journal would reject the paper if I told you exactly when I think the paper would be out. Soon is as much as I can say. I cannot afford to lose all of the exceptionally difficult work that my co-authors and I have put into this project. I am asking you to understand this! Please. 
5) I also ask you to understand that I am not trying to be rude or disrespectful to anyone by my silence. I would love nothing better than to scream our results to the world. But, like everything else in the world of Sasquatch, it will NOT prove ANYTHING if the data doesn't undergo the rigors of peer review in the scientific community. It has to convince the skeptics (or at least skeptical scientists) or it is just another attempt to prove the existence of BF that cannot be substantiated even though we have overkilled the science on this project beyond all realms of reason. So, I guess the question is, do we rush and and fail, or do we play by the rules and prove something once and for all that will vindicate thousands who have had sightings. They are real and most if not all of the people on FB (facebook)here are believers. Please, let's do this right so the world will know once and for all that there is a real and illusive creature that is alive and well right here in our own backyards. If I have any news I can share, I will share it here though, OK?"

TCC-  According to her statement we should not have to wait more than 26 weeks, unless there is a some kind of re-write or needed edits. So I guess it's more waiting...Thanks to Melba for releasing a statement.

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