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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year to everyone and Thanks for a great 2011. We have had some great times,adventures and made many good friends in 2011. With that said I must inform everyone of the upcoming changes in 2012. Some of these changes are kind of being forced upon me while others are for the betterment of our group.

Here is a list of some upcoming changes for 2012.

- Name changes :
Our blog site and our facebook page will have a name change. This is due to legal reasons as someone else has claimed the ownership of our current name and if we keep using it they will sue us. I hope I can find a way to keep our current likes, videos,pictures and post to our facebook page, if not I will have to create a new page and we will lose all out "likes". I do not want to lose any on our work or friends. Most of this was due to our success and our quick growth and for that we say thanks to our followers.

- DVD Release:
We should release a DVD in the New year at some point (maybe more than one)everything is in place just got to get it done.

- Membership Kit:
Possible New low cost membership kit, complete with Membership Card and other goodies.(feedback welcomed about this)

- More:
Tons more videos & Pictures.

- Bigger Team:
we will be looking to expand our team and brand.Worldwide would be good but only people who meet our guidelines.
- Gear:
 More new gear ! better cameras & more!
 bigger search for user videos and exclusives, including interviews.(Anyone who has video,pictures or stories about bigfoot,Ghost,aliens or any thing unusual please contact us!)    
- and much more!

There are many wondrous things in our world,many mysteries to solve and more, so lets work together in 2012 and enjoy our search.
Everyone be good and stay safe.

Thanks & Happy New Year !

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Saturday, December 31, 2011 No comments » by Thomas Marcum
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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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