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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

There is now new hope for some bigfoot DNA results later this year.
While Dr. Ketchum and her DNA paper seem to be forever hung in limbo and them forever twiddling their thumbs , The University of Oxford is now taking DNA samples and have a time table for publishing results.

Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project is now accepting DNA samples and here is how to submit a sample to them.

OLCHP mission statement - As part of a larger enquiry into the genetic relationship between our own species Homo sapiens and other hominids, we invite submissions of organic material from formally undescribed species, or “cryptids”, for the purpose of their species identification by genetic means.

SAMPLE SUBMISSION Sample submissions are invited from institutions and individuals. In the first instance, please send details of the material you would like to submit to one of the Principal Investigators. These should include:
  • Your name, institutional affiliation (if any), postal and email addresses and other contact details.
  • A physical description of the specimen: (Hair, tooth etc). Photographs welcome.
  • Its provenance: A short account of the origin of the sample, when and where (with coordinates if known) it was collected and how it came to be in your possession.
  • Identification: Your opinion of its likely species identification, and your reasons.
  • Authority: A statement that you are entitled to send the specimen for analysis and that we have permission to publish the results.

    In order to avoid misidentification of samples due to contamination, our preferred material is hair, although tissues will be considered.

    After reviewing your submission, we will send you a sampling kit with instructions. Please do not send any materials without first hearing from us. They will not be analyzed nor returned.

    You may choose whether to be identified as the donor of the sample, or to remain anonymous.
TimetableThe project is divided into three phases.
  • SAMPLE SUBMISSION PHASE May – September 2012
  • DNA ANALYSIS PHASE September – November 2012
  • PUBLICATION PHASE November – December 2012
DNA ANALYSIS At the end of the submission phase, the most promising samples will be selected for DNA analysis. You will not be charged for the analysis. Unselected samples will be returned.

The process of DNA analysis is destructive. Any unused material from selected samples will be returned or, if you prefer, will be submitted for curation as part of the Bernard Heuvelmans Cryptozoology archive in Lausanne.

Results from DNA analysis will be prepared for publication in a peer-reviewed science journal. No results will be released until any embargoes on publication have passed.


Prof. Bryan Sykes
Professor of Human Genetics
Wolfson College
University of Oxford
Oxford OX2 6UD
United Kingdom

Dr. Michel Sartori
Musee de Zoologie
Palais de Rumine
Place de Riponne 6
CH-1014 Lausanne

When emailing please use OLCHP as the subject of your message
TCC - It seems they at least have plan and a time frame in which the project will be completed. This could be a saving grace type of thing for hope of a bigfoot DNA paper in the year 2012.
So with any luck either this or the Ketchum paper will come out before the years end.Then who knows maybe we get lucky and they both will come out.

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  1. There's no such thing as bigfoot or what ever all them other names y'all have ok stop wasting time & money of something that doesn't exists!! DNA oh ok!!

    1. Yes, Bigfoot is very real...over 200 dna samples are already in another study by Dr. Melba Ketchum. Her DNA paper is said to publish this year.


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