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Friday, August 7, 2015

Yeti de Bourganeuf - More Details!

This photo of a dead Bigfoot has been around for a long time. It is often debated as to if it is real or not. I noticed today that the pictures of the figure, known as Yeti De Bourganeuf, is making the rounds again.

There is an amazing backstory that follows this display of a dead bigfoot around but sadly, it is all made up and totally untrue.

Of course, once you tell people that a bigfoot story or photo is untrue, many will just not believe it.
So I will present some evidence, hopefully proving to you that this is a fake.

The photos are known as the Yeti de Bourganeuf and the figure was created to honor Bernard Heuvelmans and his dealing with the Minnesota Iceman.

The sculpture was made by artist Emannuel Casteels Janssen and it was over 8 feet long and it used horse tail hair for the hair.

The July-August edition of the journal Cryptozoologia, the sculptor, Janssen, who created the supposed corpse, came forward admitting everything and explaining how he'd done it: You can view the website Here -  The website is in Russian (I think) - here is a screenshot, just in case it goes away.

Here is a Google translation of the text on the web page:

"In 1997, what might seem like a repeat of the Affai re the frozen man (the body of a hairy man exhibited at fairs fields in the US, as Bernard Heuvelmans was able to study at leisure in 1968) took place ... in France ! And even in the heart of our country, since it is during the fair in Bourganeuf, in the Creuse, has revealed this story: once again, it was apparently the body of a kind of hairy man kept in a freezer, and exhibited at fairs fields.

It was indeed a hoax, and fun thing, our Belgian friends of ABEPAR (which publishes the newspaper Cryptozoologia) are very unintentionally inspirers. Emmanuel Janssens Casteels, animal sculptor and collaborator of the Belgian magazine, says in the June-August 1998 issue of Cryptozoologia that two of his colleagues had advised those wishing to make a giant replica of the frozen man Bernard Heuvelmans :

"In fact, it was a soft foam sculpture on which horse tail hair were stuck. The eyes were simply purchased a specialized supplier of taxidermy."

Obviously, an incredible story accompanying the exhibition of Bourganeuf, whose creator had obviously read the book by Bernard Heuvelmans .

To know more:
DEVILLETTE, Anita Bourganeuf in 1997: a yeti in the city Limousin Magazine, No. 402. 66-68 (May).
HEUVELMANS Bernard 1974 The Neanderthal man is still alive. Paris, Plon.
JANSSENS CASTEELS Emmanuel 1998 Frozen man Bourganeuf: the solution to the puzzle Cryptozoologia, No. 25-26-27. 40-41 (June-July-August).
JEAN, Gerard
1997 The thing in the ice Limousin Magazine, No. 402. 69-70 (May).
1997 On the runway of the abominable snowman anomalies, 3:. 17-25 (2nd quarter)."

Here also is a screenshot of the translated page:


The title of the webpage translates as "Frozen Mannequin Bourganeuf".

I will admit that the created figure is top of the line and it is no wonder so many think it is a real creature. Here are a few more photos of the sculpture.

So, in the end the figure is very impressive but it is not real. It was created to honor Bernard Heuvelmans. If you do not know who Heuvelmans is, then you really need to check him out.

Here is a short overview about Bernard Heuvelmans.

"Bernard Heuvelmans was a Belgian-French scientist, explorer, researcher, and a writer probably best known as "the father of cryptozoology". His 1958 book On the Track of Unknown Animals is often regarded as one of the best and most influential cryptozoological works." (wikipedia)

Have a great day!


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years of experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and a poet.

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  1. Just as a picture does not prove it is real, someone's denial does not prove that it is not.

  2. I hate to sound like a mad conspiracy theorist but there is apparently a big cover up to hide the identity of Bigfoot anyway....this artist could be lying and people are paid off to keep their mouths shut.

  3. You got any of these pics in a larger size?

    1. Click on the pictures some of them are larger. There are many out there in larger format of the sculpture.

    2. I meant the color pic. I already clicked, but it seems there's no larger pic.


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