Mysteries Unlimited (Ep.10) Photoshop, Kaizer Story, Freeman Footage
If you missed this past week's live broadcast of Mysteries Unlimited you can catch up with it here. It was a fantastic show. We took a look at some of Leo's bigfoot pictures and answer the claims that they are photoshopped. The pictures are nothing short of amazing. We also talked about Jim Kaizer (Oak Island), and Paul Freeman.
Here is the show, followed by some more information.
The so-called "experts" wanted to claim Leo's pictures were made with Photoshop. I think we thoroughly refuted that claim.
Here is an example of an image I personally photoshopped and the results of running it through the foto forensics website.
It is very easy to see the pink/white line about my head and shoulders.This is where I cut the image out and pasted it onto the blue background. We didn't see any of this in Leo's pictures of bigfoot.
A big thanks to all who showed up and watched live or have watched the replay. We all hope you are enjoying the show and its content.
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