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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Summer Camp Bigfoot Encounter

I got the following report about a week ago and I'm just not getting the time to post it. What I find really interesting about this report is that there was a large group of people who had some kind of experience. Now some may have not had a visual but with the events that are described they probably understand something strange happened.

Here is the report.

-Start Report-

Name: Chuck ****
Email: Withheld
State: New Hampshire
County: Not sure
Date of Sighting: Jul. 15, 1980
Time of Day: 10:00 AM
Nearest Town: Not sure I was young
How long was your sighting: About 20 seconds
How many witnesses: 9
Did you get any pictures or video: No, was at camp
Describe what happened:

Well me and the other kids in group was going down to sand pit with our counselor to jump off top of sand pile into middle. And our counselor told us all to stop and be quiet but you know 12 and 13yrs olds, not happening. So we all went to where our counselor was standing looking down and that’s when we saw a upright creature covered in hair walking away from us carrying some type of animal, not paying us no attention .

So the counselor told us all to head back to camp quickly and when we got back he called game warden. The game warden quickly told him it was a bear and to keep us away from area for couple days. 

So that night it was about 9 ish, one of the girl cabins was hit on the side, so we all had to stay in one cabin for the night, 24 kids one cabin not very quiet. Anyways we made it through the nite with no other incidents. But the next morning we all found out that the cafeteria was broken into and the door completely torn off and the pantry was ransacked.

Again called game warden, he still claimed it was a bear. So needless to say counselors were on high guard, no one was allowed away from camp. For me, when we were playing a game called capture the flag, I was one of the flag guards and I got this feeling I was being watched. It gave me the chills. 

So it was quiet for about a week and then we would hear howls from the woods in the direction of the sand pit . And that night the other girls cabin had something or someone try to open door, it banged on a wall, very terrifying for them, so we all combined to just 2 cabins instead of four. 

Needless to say rest of summer very nerve racking. So that’s it all I remember. Thanks for me allowing to share. 

Camp was in White Mountains in New Hampshire.

What color was the creature: Dark red to black
Was other evidence found:
Tree breaks
More details:
I’ve believed in Bigfoot since then ,very interested more about it.

-End Report-

A thanks to Chuck for sharing this with all of us.

This would have been the most rememberable summer camp ever. I'm sure many of the kids at the camp have thought about these events for years.

New Hampshire is a great place for bigfoot and there have been numerous reported encounters from there. 

For those who may not know, The White Mountains are a mountain range covering about a quarter of the state of New Hampshire and a small portion of western Maine. The area is filled with streams, lakes, wildlife, trees and hike trails. The White Mountain National Forest covers 1,173 sq miles and it is nothing short of spectacular.

Special thanks to TCC team member Jason Morse for working on this report. We hope to have an update in the future. 


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet

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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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