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Friday, July 9, 2021


Was it a Thunderbird?

I recently got in this report of a very large bird sighting. I'm not sure what kind of bird the witness saw and described but many might say it was a possible thunderbird. Thunderbirds are a cryptid large bird believed to be a predatory bird, larger and perhaps stronger than known species.

Here is the report

-Start Report-

Name: Michael **********

Email Address: On File

State: South Carolina

County: Oconee

Date of Sighting: July 8, 2021

Time of Day: 20:00

Nearest Town: Long Creek

Length of Sighting: 1-2 minutes

How many Witnesses: 1

Any Photos/Videos: no

Describe sighting in detail: 

I was heading back to my car from a hike in the mountains. It had been storming all around me the entire day. Just as my car was in sight, I heard this very distinct "caw" above my head. I looked up, and  through a large opening in the tree canopy was a massive bird with a wingspan of 6-8 feet and a very large triangular tail, and pitch black in color, from head to tail. It was approximately 150-200 yards above me. It called out several times in the 30 or so seconds that I had a clear view of the bird. 

As it continued past the tree line into the valley, I could continue to hear it for quite a ways. Highly disappointed I did not get pictures, as I was in awe of what I was seeing. It could be a known bird species that I am not aware of, as I do not know much about birds, but it was very large. It seemed bigger than any bird I have ever sighted in the wild. 

UPDATE:  The witness sent us a drawing of the shape of the bird. He had this to say about it; "This is a very rough outline of the bird I saw. Not a Wandering Albatross. Colors don't match. Not a frigate."

Here is the drawing

-End Report-

A thanks to Michael for submitting the report. I really wish I could identify what type of bird this was but I can't. I'm not real good on identifying birds but I'm getting better at it. From the description it does seem to have been a rather large one.

If anyone else saw this large bird, feel free to contact us.




This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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