Bigfoot Encounter and Track Castings
The events described below took place in the state of North Carolina on April 27th, 2020.
Here is what Jerimiah told me about the encounter:
"Wild night in the swamp last night. Had three boulders tossed at me from three different directions. The splash they made, they had to be 20-30 lbs each. Lots of Chimp like vocals. So went to another area and sat on a knoll over looking the bayou. Sat there in the pitch black."
After hearing movement, that sounded like more than one creature, Jerimiah had this to say:
" I decided it was time to go. Because it felt like I was getting flanked. I got up turned around took one step, and that f***er was no more than 40 ft away. All I saw was barely a silhouette. But I'll tell ya what, it sounded like a rhino crashing through the brush. Knocking trees over snapping limbs. It was crazy man. Scary to be honest."
Jerimiah makes a return trip the next day and pours some plaster casts. But several castings were lost and or damaged due to the fact that it started raining. He was able to get a couple of them out of the ground. Here is another photo of the castings.
The castings measured out at 13 inches long, with one being just slightly longer. By my calculations that would mean the being that made the tracks was roughly 6 foot 6 inches tall.
Jerimiah also reported that there were other tracks, many of which were slightly smaller. These tracks were filmed during his Facebook live broadcast, which can be view in his group by clicking HERE.
We thank Jerimiah for sharing his finding with all of us and wish him continued good luck researching.

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