Glowing UFO Filmed in California?
Continuing with my flurry of UFO related post, today we have an object that was filmed in California on 4/25/2020. Yes, I know I have posted too many UFO videos in a roll, and my Bigfoot peeps are hungry for bigfoot post, we will get more of them in the future, just hang tight.
Now, back to the UFO. I think I might have a explanation for this one but first I will tell you what the witness said about it and let you watch the video.
Here is what the witness stated:
"This past Saturday, I saw this at the gas station near my house it would get brighter and dimmer and would move up and down, with no sound. Another popped up and disappeared. People all gathered around looking at it! It was a weird thing to see, not saying this is a UFO but it sure was a flying and its yet to be identified. Someones told me it's a satellite... I'm kind of leaning towards that but that doesn't even look right, it looks to me like there's a crease open in the sky with light coming through. What are your thoughts? I'm still mesmerized by it... "
Here is the video:
This video is somewhat intriguing and peoples opinions have varied about it. Some thought it was a portal opening up, others thought it was part of a UFO peeking out.
I think this is probably a spider web with the sunlight reflecting off of it. I have seem similar spider webs above my house and can understand, if filmed correctly, it would appear as if it was way up in the sky. The spider webs I can see sometimes above my house are probably only 25-30 foot above the ground. But if I filmed it against a blue sky it might appear to but very high. That is my guess as to what is in the video above. Could I be wrong? I sure can.
I would be interested to read what others think this might be, so drop a comment below.

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