This following report comes to us from out of Oregon. It was submitted to TCC team members Bobby and Corinna Long.There was a slight delay in getting the report completed due to the fact the witnesses lost cell phone service and was not able to give all the details. We are happy to inform everyone that we did end up getting the rest of the report a few hours later.
The report comes from Shannon and Gary. The possible tracks was found in Douglas County, Oregon. The nearest town is Glide. Tracks were found around 6:30 in the evening on September the 2nd.
In the picture above that is a men's size 13 shoe next to the track.
Here are more details:
Shannon and Gary had gotten out of their automobile to allow their dog to run and for themselves to get out for a little bit. They spotted the tracks and sent photos of them immediately to Bobby. They have worked with Bobby and Corinna personally on another trackway a couple years ago.
The rivers and creeks in this area support a heavy run of salmon, steelhead and trout. The wooded areas support deer, elk, bear, mt. lion, etc. Bobby also feels that the very large wildfires up from this area are pushing the bigfoot down. The fires pose a danger to the bigfoot and the air quality becomes unbearable. The bigfoot moved into this area where there is less danger of being burned and can they can breath. Bobby also feels there was already a small population of bigfoot in the area, but with the wildfires that more have came into the area. At this time, Oregon is having massive wildfires. This could result in more sightings and track finds as the creatures are forced to move into safer locations.
Here is a close up the couple provided of what appears to be toes.
Special Thanks to Shannon and Gary for the report.
We will update on any further developments.
-Bobby & Corinna-

Both are avid outdoors people and good researchers.
This is a report by Bobby & Corinna.

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