Bigfoot? |
This picture was reportedly taken by Jeff Robinson, he was on a camping trip when he heard some sounds outside of his tent. So he takes his camera phone and takes a picture, he was thinking it might be a deer, but the above photo is what turned out. Or so the story goes.
I attempt to contact Mr. Robinson via email but have not heard back from him. I wanted to ask some questions about the photo and how it came about. The photo was posted on a questionable site, Beacon bigfoot, but they were helpful in giving me the contact information.
I also adjusted the photo a little to try to see it better here is the adjusted photo.
Bigfoot or suit? |
This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.
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Eyes are way to close
ReplyDeleteNot because I question any photo or video taken these days but I never heard of a Bigfoot before posing to be taken that close up.
ReplyDeleteThe original photo has three other faces in it, so I believe it's real. The so called bigfoot are not animals that all look alike. They are giant monsters that are breeding like rats and ( I believe ) they will one day rise up and go on the attack. They are running out of living space, that's why we are seeing so many of them. They study us for the day they will kill us. Ancient history says it all.
ReplyDeleteWhere is this original photo?
DeleteI firmly believe in Bigfoot after having 9 visual encounters and 1 audio encounter between 1987 and 2012 here in and near Berea KY and in Tyner Ky. Please people, leave them alone!!! They should be respected as God's creatures, and given the respect due them. Thank you very much
ReplyDeleteI will soon be posting my experiences with these most amazing creatures. Some of these almost scared the mud out of me, then some experiences I was given the opportunity to view a peaceful Sasquatch experience. They need gov't protection from those who would cause them great harm. I know one thing. If I were to see someone trying to harm a Sasquatch, I would intervene. Immediately & with deadly force if necessary. Believe it !!!