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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

More Roadside Sasquatch Stories

Law enforcement officers see many strange things throughout their careers. One thing many hesitate to report to their superiors is anything paranormal, including seeing a sasquatch. So when these two deputy sheriffs stepped forward and told their stories to John Green, he paid attention.

Although this sighting happened as a teenager, this deputy sheriff never changed his story even years later when Green interviewed him.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Puyallup Screams | Washington State

There is a history of screams in this area just east of Tacoma. The following are just a few of the stories.

The screams seem to have first come to public attention in July of 1972 when Marlin Ayris, a resident of Forest Green (at the time a brand new subdivision), wrote to the Tacoma News Tribune. He spoke about hearing loud screams for a couple of nights coming from the woods behind his house. His neighbors claimed they did not hear the sounds and some of them thought he was making it up. When it began to happen again the next year, Ayris made several recordings but didn't make any particular effort to properly care for them. He even reused some of the tapes for other things. One that did survive is a recording made during the day by hanging a microphone for the recorder out a window of his house. The original of the recording was not kept, but copies made from it exist.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Sasquatch Roadblock

In 1966 Roger Patterson received a letter from a man telling of a terrifying event that happened to him back in 1952. Patterson then shared the letter with John Green. Here is part of what he wrote\ :

"The first part of the story took me back to 1952 when I had gone down to Orleans <California> to start preliminary work on a logging operation with men by the names of Lee Vlery and Josh Russel.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

On the Road Again with Sasquatch

Some sasquatch seem very savvy where roadways and cars are concerned. And then there are others who either don't care or are unaware.

It was mid-January 1973 when a truck driver hauling a load of logs took a curve on the road to Eureka and hit something big. He was traveling about 40-45 mph, around 7:30 pm when a creature with reddish, brown hair stepped out into the road. It was standing on the side and seemed to be unaware of the oncoming truck when it started walking. The truck hit the 6 1/2 to 7 ft tall creature and swerved off to the left shoulder of the road. The driver could hear nothing over the noise of the engine. He was sure he had not hit a bear.

Monday, February 10, 2025

More Like a Man Than an Animal

On March 18, 1987, there was a seven-man crew working outdoors in the cold and frozen wilderness near Fellers Heights, British Columbia. Four of the men called attention to something they saw on the outskirts of their worksite. They described a creature that was 7 ft tall, maybe 400 lbs. A monster.

Myles Jack, one of the workers, said: "But it was a real mover. It was really fluid in the way it moved." The creature was crouched down for part of the time, seeming to watch the men as they worked. When it circled the work site, it would peer at them through the trees, still watching them work. "It was like we were on his territory and he was checking us out."

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Russian Research | Part 3 | Major General Mikhail Stephanovitch Topilski

While it was not research, the Russian army and this officer had an extraordinary encounter with a creature called Almasty. There seem to be several versions of what happened in 1925 and I will tell them all.

Major General Mikhail Stephanovitch Topilski was the commander of a cavalry regiment in the Red Army during the Civil War after the Communist Revolution of 1917. In 1925, he and his men were given the task of hunting down anti-Communist forces in the Pamir Mountains southwest of the Tien Shan. They encountered more than just fighting men.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Russian Research | Part 2

Many independent researchers made their way into the remote areas of Russia; some with the intention of studying the strange man-like, hairy creatures, and others who ran across them while traveling or while conducting their other research.

K.A. Satunin was a leading student of vertebrates in the Caucasus. He had an accidental encounter in the Talyish Mountains. He discovered a female "Biaban-Guli", which was the name used by the southern Caucasus people. When he reached a nearby settlement, he tried to obtain more information on these hairy, man-like animals who appeared unable to speak.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Russian Research

When most people think of the possibility of sasquatch-type creatures on the other side of the world, they immediately think of "Yeti." However, there is much more information out there by the Russians than anything from the Himalayas. The only problem is that not much of it is widely publicized in English.

There are some publications and some authors that will publish translations. And with internet programs available that will translate, if the material is on the internet, you can get some idea of what is being said.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Murphysboro Mud Monster aka "Big Muddy Monster" | ILLINOIS

In the summer of 1973, Illinois became the center of bigfoot activity. For two weeks the Murphysboro Mud Monster, also called  Big Muddy Monster, struck fear into the residents' hearts.

It began around midnight on June 25, 1973. A young couple, Randy Needham and Judy Johnson had parked near the boat ramp on the Big Muddy River near the city of Murphysboro. As they sat there, they heard a strange, roaring cry that came from the nearby woods. They looked towards the trees and saw a huge shape coming toward them, continuing to make the cry. When it got within 20 feet of their car, they realized that this was a 7-foot-tall creature with matted, whitish hair or fur streaked with mud from the river. Knowing that this was "something not human", they fled to the police station.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Haunted Discoveries | Haunted Jail Episode

If you missed the Haunted Jail episode when it first aired, you can watch it now. This episode was shot in Harlan County Kentucky and features some of the TCC team.

The Haunted Discoveries team looks for proof of apparitions, eerie voices, and other inexplicable phenomena inside a grim execution site. Shadow the team as they explore Harlan County’s courthouse and jail, where the fallout from a revenge killing and the coal wars still lingers.

Check out the episode

Friday, January 3, 2025

Wildmen | First Stories

When men first began to encounter strange "creatures" in the forests and grasslands, they called them "Wild Men". Experiences with these "Wildmen" occur throughout history. Even talked of in classical and preclassical times.

There was almost a romance to the "wildness" of these men. A wildness that called to the hearts of all men, a freedom of the soul, that releases something inside us even today. In the tales, we are warned of this wildness, as it would overtake us. Consume us. Take us away from civilization.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Someone or Something Talking in the Woods

I recently had a friend sent me some information about an event that took place near his home in late summer. He sent me the information via a Facebook message. So, what I want to do now is share the story with everyone and share a short video I made that offers a little more information. 

Here is the report.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Monsters on the Edge | Jason Morse

TCC's Jason Morse was recently on the Monsters on the Edge podcast to talk about his Bigfoot sightings and research. 
As many of you know Jason has been with the team for many years now. His story, his sightings, and his research are sure to be of interest. 
After having a Bigfoot sighting, Jason dove into doing research and had several other sightings. When covid hit and he lost work, he wrote and published a book. A Western novel, "The Road To Leadville". He was also in a documentary, "Bigfoot Witness: The Jason Morse Story."

Here is the Podcast
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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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