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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Bigfoot in a Tree?

First, let me say I don't know where this comes from or who filmed it. This is a still frame from a video. A video that supposedly shows a bigfoot sitting in a tree. The video is getting a lot of play on social media but does it really show a Bigfoot sitting in a tree?

Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Mothman of Point Pleasant: A Legendary Cryptid

In the small town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, a mysterious figure known as the Mothman has captured the imagination of locals and cryptid enthusiasts alike. This enigmatic creature, described as a humanoid with massive wings and glowing red eyes, first made headlines in the late 1960s and has since become a staple of American folklore.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Odd Sounds and Something Big Moving Around

I recently got an update from JM. If you are not familiar with his posts/messages, I normally get 2 or 3 a year from him. He keeps us up to date on possible bigfoot and other activities around his property. The above image accompanied his most recent correspondence. The image is explained more in his message below. 
Check it out.
Wednesday, October 02, 2024 No comments » by Thomas Marcum
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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Out There: Crimes of the Paranormal

New show alert! This looks like it is going to be great! I can't wait to watch it. Check out the synopsis and the trailer!
Wednesday, September 04, 2024 No comments » by Thomas Marcum
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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

British Bigfoot | Wildman | Woodwose

There are so many reasons people will give for Britain not being home to any Bigfoot-type creature.

Hmmm. Those all sound familiar. Let's see, we (well, most of us) will agree that there appears to be a large, hairy man-beast living in North America  and we can list:

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Famous Nessie Photo

One of the most iconic images associated with the Loch Ness Monster is known as the "Surgeon's Photograph." This black-and-white photo was taken by Dr. Robert Kenneth Wilson, a London-based gynecologist, in April 1934. The photograph depicts what appears to be a long neck and head emerging from the waters of Loch Ness in Scotland.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Andrew Genzoli and Betty Allen: Pioneers in the Search for Bigfoot

In the annals of American Cryptids, few creatures have captured the public's imagination quite like Bigfoot, the elusive giant said to roam the remote forests of North America. Two figures stand out in the early days of Bigfoot lore: journalists Andrew Genzoli and Betty Allen of the Humboldt Times.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Bigfoot of Roachdale, Indiana

In August 1972 bigfoot came to the home of Randy and Lou Rogers of Roachdale, Indiana.

They first became aware of something coming around their farmhouse early in the month. Whatever it was made its presence known by banging on the walls and windows of the farmhouse, gradually increasing each night. When Roger would run outside to try to catch who or what it was; he would catch only a glimpse of something heavily built, around 6 ft. tall disappearing through a cornfield. For two to three weeks this creature would arrive between 10 and 11:30 each night, bringing with it an odor like a dead animal or rotting garbage.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Menehune: Hawaii's Enigmatic Littlefoot

Nestled within the lush, verdant landscapes of Hawaii, legends speak of a mysterious race known as the Menehune. These small, dwarf-like beings, often likened to "Littlefoot," are an integral part of Hawaiian mythology, captivating the imaginations of locals and visitors alike. They are reported to be around three feet tall. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sightings in Iowa in the 1970s

Iowa has a long history of bigfoot sightings. An old newspaper clipping states: " It' is the mysterious creature folks around here have heard about for 50 years -- a furry, scary thing that stands like a man."

The article continued by telling of a woman who talked of hunters and trappers who would tell tales of animals that walked like men when she first moved to the area as a young girl.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Rant: Why Are There No Clear Videos or Photos of Bigfoot?

RANT the first.

Did a lot of soul-searching before writing this post. It is one of the most difficult I have done. But I can stay silent no longer. So here it is - My Rant.

A common cry: "Why are there no clear videos or photos of bigfoot?"

Yeah, I get that. We are all tired of the Shadowsquatch, the Blobsquatch, the Stumpsquatch, the Brushsquatch, the Groupsquatch. Somedays it can just make us scream with frustration. We enlarge, we enhance, we manipulate and we squint in despair at many of these photos and videos before shaking our heads and moving on.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

CrimePrint | The Mysterious Death of Nancy Argentino

It is time for another episode of CrimePrint. In this episode, we look at a case that seems to have a clear answer but also has many questions.
Nancy Argentino died in 1983 at the age of 23 after being rushed to a hospital with a serious head injury. She had stayed in a motel room with Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka in Whitehall Township, Pennsylvania. Her death was the result of head trauma. 
Host: Leo Frank & Rebecca MacFarlane
Here is the episode.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Alien Abduction Case

I had gone to bed rather late; it was about 3:00 a.m., in the morning, and I couldn't sleep. I lay in the darkness, trying to nod off when suddenly I heard this strange sound that reverberated throughout my body.  It sounded like a metallic sound, very deep, and unlike anything I had ever heard before.
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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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