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Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Chickens Taken by Bigfoot?

Downeast Maine, located in the eastern most point of the U.S., is full of forested areas, lush open blueberry fields, and possibly a clan of Bigfoot. I recently was contacted by a resident of that area, and was intrigued by the story she told.

This lady would like to remain anonymous, so let's call her Susie. Her and her other half, who I'll call Bill, contacted me and said they'd lost a few chickens from an enclosed coup. The coup was about 50 feet from the home they lived in, and they heard no commotion of any kind the night before. The fencing around the chicken coup was typical light wired fencing, with a housing structure inside. There was no damage to the fence, which was between 4-5 feet high, but a few chickens were gone. 

Susie then noticed a few prints left in the hard clay of the surrounding area, approximately 100 feet from their home with the chicken coup halfway between. 

Bill is a large man, about 6' 3", 250 lbs, and he told me he had to stomp hard to make the slightest mark in the ground, but the print they discovered were approximately an inch into this hard soil. 

The prints measured 13 inches long and 8 inches wide, which suggests either a growing juvenile or a small female. 

Susie did mention seeing some kind of light the night prior to finding the prints. She described it as a "floodlight type of light". They do not live near an airport, and she didn't believe it was from a passing vehicle. So here's another possible connection of a Bigfoot/UFO scenario. I personally don't see a connection between the two, but this was their experience, and I don't dismiss her word. 

The photo with the foot wearing the Dickies sock was Bill, he wears a size 13 shoe, for size comparison.

This happened on 6/30/22 and I hope to have an update on this report in the future.


This post/report from TCC Team Member Jason Morse. Jason is a lifelong outdoor enthusiast, trained in wilderness survival tactics, a 26 year martial artist, DJ, EMT and author. Jason conducts bigfoot field research, witness interviews and more for The Crypto Crew.

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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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