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Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Anna Norkus Story

This is an old but interesting story. I will transcribe the article for easier reading. This is part of the legend and lore surrounding Resurrection Cemetery and the Chicago area. Everything from haunted houses, phantom hitchhikers, ghostly lights, and more were and have been reported for the last one hundred years. Probably the most famous of these tales is the Resurrection Mary tale. The lines get really blurred as you dig into it but there is no doubt that some weird stuff has happened over the years.

Here is the transcription of the newspaper article followed by some additional information.

"One girl was killed instantly and five other members of an automobile party were injured, one probably fatally, last night when the automobile in which they were riding went off the road into a ditch and overturned at Harlem Avenue and 66th Street, near Argo. The dead girl is Anna Norkus, 12 years old, 5421 South Neva Avenue. She was crushed under the car. The injured are William Wasnor (Weisner), 32 years old, 3148 Auburn Avenue; Loretta Gwozdz, 14 years old, 5312 South Nottingham Avenue; Adam Lepinski, 58 years old; August Norkus, 42 years old, 5421 South Neva Avenue, and Sophie Norkus, 16 years old, 5421 South Neva avenue. This death and two others raised the 1927 county auto toll to 510."
The next day the newspaper ran the following update on the accident.
"Adam Lepeiki, 56 years old, 3456 Auburn Avenue, was the second victim of a crash Wednesday night which has aroused Coroner Wolff to demand the elimination of a hazard at the scene. He died yesterday. Anna Norkus, 12 years old, 5421 South Neva Avenue, was killed instantly, and four others were injured as their automobile plunged into a 25-foot gulch where Harlem ends at 66th street, near Argo.

William Wesnor (Weisner), 32 years old, 3148 Auburn Avenue, driver of the car, was going east in 63d street. The street is closed for repairs east of Harlem Road, he detoured south on Harlem. The route provides for turning east again on 65th Street, but this is little more than a trail and is not marked. Wesnor missed it and hit the end of the road a few blocks farther south, plunging into the ditch."

Now, here is some information that makes the story just a little bit more creepy and tragic.
Anna Norkus was born in Cicero, Illinois in 1914. Some have suggested that Anna Norkus called herself “Marija.” According to a later update, the party was driving home from the Oh Henry Ballroom in Willowbrook, Illinois. The accident took place at about 1:30 a.m.
Another interesting part to all of this is that the Death Certificate of Anna Norkus states that she was to be interned at St. Casimir, however, during this time many gravediggers were on strike and several bodies were buried in temporary graves at Resurrection Cemetery till the strike was over and would be moved to their permanent lot. It could be that Norkus’ body was so decomposed due to lack of proper storage conditions that she was not able to be identified and remained misplaced at Resurrection.
This scenario is one that many think resulted in the numerous haunting and ghost stories coming from in and around the Resurrection Cemetery. 
Officially, Anna Norkus is buried at Saint Casimir Catholic Cemetery in Chicago, IL. But as stated if she was decomposed due to having to wait because of the gravediggers strike, then maybe part of her was left in Resurrection Cemetery. In any case, you can check out her official grave by Clicking this link. 
There is also no denying the many ghostly tales and events that have taken place for many years. The Anna Norkus story is just a small part of the much bigger picture. 


This post is by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years of experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter, a published photographer, and a poet.

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