Well, this is an odd one for sure. During a live Facebook feed a strange and weird figure was filmed in a person's backyard. Apparently, they had seen this, whatever it is, before and were shaken up by it.
I have taken a very small clip from the broadcast and attempted to slow it down and enhance it. Many are talking about it on social media. Some say it is a dogman others say it is a werewolf. Some say it is a demon or ghost. When I first saw it I thought it was a ghost or a spirit...and it may be.
Check out the enhancements and tell me what you think this thing looks like.
Totally weird.
Here is the video
Now, is it just me or does that look like an ostrich running. I thought this might be a reflection but I watched the live feed video and there is no storm door. The person opens the back door, a heavy metal door, and you see out into the yard.
This is a very strange video and capture. If anyone has some thoughts about it, I'd be glad to hear them.
Could it be an animal spirit, AKA an animal ghost? I sure don't see a dogman or werewolf.
I don't know...really weird.

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It's actually smoke from a cigarette. Yes, I know it looks like a misty creature walking, but the original video shows the person smoking and wider shots of the video show more of the smoke