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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Unknown Sounds Recorded - Blue Ridge Mountains

We were recently contacted by a friend who had captured some faint sounds while in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. They wanted us to try and enhance the audio in an attempt to hear the sounds better.

This video with these faint sounds coming from the forest was recorded on February 23, 2018.
We know the Blue Ridge Mountain range is an ideal place for Bigfoot. The Blue Ridge Mountains extend 550 miles southwest from southern Pennsylvania through Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia.

Here is the video with enhancements to the sound.

First, a big thanks to Cynthia for sending us the video.

What do you think is making the sounds?

To me, it sounds like a bird but I could be wrong. Regardless the area looks fantastic and I can understand hearing something off in the distance and not knowing what it was for sure.
Glad I was at least able to enhance it enough to where everyone can hear it better.


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years of experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and a poet.

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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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