This is a still frame captured from a video by Taylor & Tate NCSW. It is not a still frame that I personally captured from the video, but one I found in a Facebook group. I had to make that clear as the Taylor & Tate NCSW are now telling people they can not reproduce the image and they have all the legal rights to said image.
This image has caused a good stir in the bigfoot community with many people getting very excited at this trail camera image. The image was captured in North Carolina by a man named Joe Hunt if my memory is correct.
Taylor & Tate NCSW did an interview with the man and broke the story via Youtube.
Here is that video followed by some commentary.
The video presentation and interview are very good and we get some information on how this image came to find its way into the public.
In the video, they show that the creature appears to have a mid tarsal break in its foot. This is probably pretty compelling for most people.

And yes, unlike some have suggested, there are porcupines in North Carolina.
Here is a side by side comparison. I have added in some motion blur and made the porcupine black and white.
I think the two images are very similar even though the porcupine is sideways. If we were looking at the back of the porcupine, I'm thinking it would even look more similar. An adult porcupine will grow to 3 feet tall or more. And remember the trail camera was set low, around 3 to 4 feet off the ground according to the interview. There is no way of knowing the height of the creature captured in the trail cam photo or the distance away from the camera at this time. So it could very well be the back of a porcupine, in my opinion.
While looking at pictures of porcupine, I ran across one that was pretty interesting. I can see how easily it could be mistaken for a Bigfoot or other bi-pedal creature. Here is that image.
Seeing this at the right distance, with low lighting, and it could easily be mistaken for a Bigfoot.
So, that is my 2 cents on the trail camera picture. I think it is a case of mistaken identity. Of course, I know Bigfoot is real but I think this is a porcupine.
What d o you think?

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