UFOs? Aliens? Secret Military aircraft?
No one really knows for sure but a series of mysterious blips appeared across radar in southern Illinois and western Kentucky Monday night. Some thought it was some type of secret military craft but a near by military base said it was nothing they were doing.
Others have speculated that it was some kind of outer space UFO, visitors from another world.
But could there be a more practical explanation?
According to the Fox News report, a unnamed pilot at the Evansville Regional Airport in Indiana said the fog was chaff – radar-jamming material sometimes released during training exercises – from a military C-130 aircraft.
For those who do not know what Chaff is here is a description to help you understand.
Chaff consists of small fibers that reflect radar signals and, when dispensed in large quantities from aircraft, form a cloud that temporarily hides the aircraft from radar detection. The two major types of military chaff in use are aluminum foil and aluminum-coated glass fibers.
So, if this is true it would explain the radar blips. There is just one problem with this theory, no military installations in the area are claiming it as theirs or that they were conducting test or training.
Some also stated that the radar blips were just too large to be military chaff.
So, if it was not from the military, what was it?
I personally have a theory. In case some of you didn't know, there was a fairly good sized earth quake in Tennessee. It was felt in several other states. So, by now you are probably wondering what this has to do with radar blips.
There is a phenomenon call Earthquake Lights.
An earthquake light is an unusual luminous aerial phenomenon that reportedly appears in the sky at or near areas of tectonic stress, seismic activity, or volcanic eruptions. The lights are reported to appear while an earthquake is occurring, although there are reports of lights before or after earthquakes.
So it would probably be a good guess to think these unknown radar blips were associated with the earthquake. The 4.4 earthquake happened after the possible earthquake lights.
I have heard about this happening a few other times and there are some historical accounts and numerous videos of earthquake lights.
So, in my opinion the unknown radar blips were probably just earthquake lights and not UFOs.

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