I ran across a video that reportedly has a juvenile bigfoot in it and I wanted to share it with everyone. The video comes from Blayne Tyler, a Sasquatch researcher from Canada. In the video there is a bonus clip at the end that, according to Blayne, has another possible bigfoot in it.
I'm not familiar with Mr. Tyler but it appears he has an impressive collection of track castings.
The video of the juvenile bigfoot was shot while Mr. Tyler was inspecting an old abandoned car he had found. According to Blayne there is a 3 foot tall, brown bigfoot in the clip peeking at him.
Here is the clip
Canada has many great areas for bigfoot and a rich history of sightings. As for this video I can not say for sure what is moving in the video. It could be nothing more that the wind blowing some bush up and down, but Blayne seems pretty convinced as to it being a juvenile bigfoot. So, for me it is inconclusive but I was not there, and can't see enough in the video to form much of an opinion.
Blayne has a large collection of video on his youtube page, I invite you to check out some of his other videos. Here is the link to his channel - Blayne's Youtube Channel.
I would also like to hear what others think about the above video. Do you see a brown juvenile sasquatch?
This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.
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