The above photo and the other ones in the post were reportedly taken in a cemetery in Ohio. The photographs were supposedly taken by a funeral home employee. The images, to my understanding, were first posted on social media. Many seem to think this a ghost of some sort haunting the cemetery. You can see what looks like fog or smoke as it appears to arise up out of a grave.
Regardless of what it is, either paranormal or natural, it is still pretty creepy.
Most, if not all, of these ectoplasm photographs have been proven fakes and hoaxes. The ectoplasm was shown to be made from cheesecloth, gauze or other natural substances. Many times the ectoplasm would come out of the medium's mouth or eyes and sometimes it would be fashioned into a face or hand. Hoaxers are very clever in the art of deception.
Here are the other pictures from the Ohio cemetery
But as for these photographs from the cemetery, it is easy to see this is not cheesecloth or gauze. It has a more smokey appearance. My guess is that it is some type of nature phenomenon and just happened to be captured in pictures. Also, I do not know who to credit with taking the pictures, sorry.
What do you think about the pictures?
post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the
cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto
Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of
unexplained activity, working with videoand websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.
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