Bigfoot Research Area - Return for Game Cams and More
I recently returned to my bigfoot research area to collect some games cameras I placed out about one month ago. This area has, in years gone by, been an active area not only for bigfoot but numerous other animals. But in the last year or so the activity has seemed to have died down. Now, with fall quickly approaching, I wanted to try out some game cameras in the area to see if any activity had returned to the area.
What follows is a video of my return trip to retrieve the previously set cameras and then another video of what was captured on the game cameras. I try very hard to be honest and transparent with my bigfoot research, even though, parts of it may seem very boring to many.
I did have a very memorable close encounter with a doe and a fawn on my trip to collect my cameras. For me, it was nothing short of amazing and something that truly does not happen every day. I think you will find my doe encounter and what I have to say about it, interesting in how it pertains to bigfoot.
Here is the video collecting the game cameras.
After returning home, I downloaded all the videos and pictures from the game cameras. I think there are some interesting captures. The black bear is a nice capture and it appears many animals are returning to the area. I can only hope that the bigfoot also returns.
Here is the video of the game camera captures.
Hopefully, in the coming months, I can get out more and find us some more interesting things.
post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the
cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto
Crew. Over 20 years of experience with research and investigation of
unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild
land firefighter and a published photographer, and a poet.
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What follows is a video of my return trip to retrieve the previously set cameras and then another video of what was captured on the game cameras. I try very hard to be honest and transparent with my bigfoot research, even though, parts of it may seem very boring to many.
I did have a very memorable close encounter with a doe and a fawn on my trip to collect my cameras. For me, it was nothing short of amazing and something that truly does not happen every day. I think you will find my doe encounter and what I have to say about it, interesting in how it pertains to bigfoot.
Here is the video collecting the game cameras.
After returning home, I downloaded all the videos and pictures from the game cameras. I think there are some interesting captures. The black bear is a nice capture and it appears many animals are returning to the area. I can only hope that the bigfoot also returns.
Here is the video of the game camera captures.
Hopefully, in the coming months, I can get out more and find us some more interesting things.
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