I got the following report in a few days ago. I have been really busy catching up from a much needed vacation, so it has taken me a little time to get caught up. When I first got this report and read the description of the creature, I thought it sounded like the creature seen in the cave in Tennessee. The witness also made that connection during his report. For those who may not know about the Tennessee cave story, you can find the first of several post HERE! There are several post and videos about this unknown cave creature on this website. It is very interesting.
Here is the new report, which does not take place in a cave, but does take place in Tennessee.
-Start Report-
Name: Brady *******
Email Address: Withheld
State: Tennessee
County: Marion county
Date of Sighting: July 31, 2016
Time of Day: Night
Nearest Town: Jasper, TN
Length of Sighting: 10 seconds
How many Witnesses: 4
Any Photos/Videos: No
Describe sighting in detail:
We were walking on a trail behind our house that was on a wooded area close to a field. We saw something short and very wide walking towards us on all fours. What we saw was fairly large and had a round face like a human with little hair on the face.
It matches the description of the animal from the cave sightings in Tennessee.
-End Report-
Now, of course we can not say or sure what this might be, but from the description it does sound similar to what was described by the witness who seen an unknown creature in a cave. In the course of our investigation of the cave creature, we think the creature could be some kind of relative to the now extinct giant sloth. Some may not know that sloth bones were discovered fairly close the the location of the cave, many years ago. It could be possible that these creatures moved into the large cave systems found in Tennessee and Kentucky. At this point we just do not know for 100 percent certainty what the cave witness saw and we do not know what this new witness saw, but we know that they sound similar in appearance.
Thanks goes to Brady for the report. Please be safe and let us know if you find any other evidence (tracks, poop..ect) or have another sightings.

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