Over the many years of doing Bigfoot and UFO research, I have met some good people, who when they run into something that might be of interest, send it to me.
That is the case with these old documents. This friend is normally doing various research of some kind very often. Well, in their searching they ran across these now declassified documents from the CIA. These documents deal with UFOs. Not UFOs from another planet, but UFOs that were made here.
What I find interesting is that this was back in the 50's. If the documents are in deed honest and not a forgery by the CIA or propaganda, then it could be safe to assume that many, if not all, of the UFOs being seen are not from another planet but are OURS.
Lets look at some of the details in the documents.
(Document text)
Case Number: F-2010-00651 - Publication Date: May 27, 1954
SUBJECT Military - Scientific - Aeronautics
In a recent issue of ,Forces Aeriennes Francaises, a monthly periodical
published by the Comite d'Etudes Aeronautiques Militaires (Study Committee on
Military Aeronautics), which is headed by General P. Pay, Chief of Staff of the
Air Force, an article develops the idea thet.supersonic interstellar ships
powered by cosmic energy are possible. The article was written by Lieutenant
Plantier of-the Ecole de 1'Air de Salon (Salon Aeronautical School). [Paris-
Dakar describes the article in some detail and suggests that its acceptance by
the periodical indicates that the French Air Force admits the existence of
"flying saucers." The same article received coverage in the 26 November 1953
issue of tje B'irut daily newspaper L' Orient.
DESCRIBES SAUCES EXPERIMENTS - 'Capetown, Die Landstem, 9 Jan 54
A German newspaper (not further identified] recently published an interview
with George Klein, famous German engineer and aircraft expert, describing the
experimental construction of "flying saucers" carried out by him from 1941 to
1945. Klein stated that be was present when, in 1945, the first piloted "flying saucer" took off and reached a speed of 1,300 miles per hour; in 3 minutes.
The experiments resulted in three designs: one, designs-a by Miethe, was
a disk-shaped aircraft, 135 feet in diameter, which did not rotate; another,
designed by Habermohl and Schreiver, consisted of a large rotating ring, in the
center of which was a round, stationary cabin for the crew. When the Soviets
occupied Prague, the Germans destroyed every trace destroyed every of the "flying saucer" project [there] and nothing more was heard of Babermohl and his assistants. Schreiver recently died in Bremen, where he bad been living. In Breslau, the Soviets managed to capture one of the saucers built by Miethe, who escaped to France. He is reportedly in the US at present.
FLYING DISK PATENTED -- Naples, 11 Giornale, 12 Jan 54
According to a Genoa newspaper (not further identified], the patent office
of the Genoa. Chamber of Commerce has issued a patent for a flying disk to
Scipione Mattolin, 38, a Venetian naval fitter residing in Genoa. The invention is patented as No 165 of Patent Register 125. The disk would cost in excess of 500 million lire; it could attain a speed of 3,000 kilometers per hour.
Mattolin has offered his invention to Italy, but it has been turned down; he
Intends to emigrate and offer it elsewhere.
(End Document Text)
Here is the other document-
Some may say this was nothing more than propaganda, and it could be, but we have seen the old videos of the Nazi UFOs. I know one of the more popular videos shows a Nazi UFO barely getting off the ground but there are other videos that show very good flight.
Here is one such video.
The above video is said to be an old flight test of a UFO and some date it back to 1939.
So, could it be that some of these Unknown craft are actually ours? I think some may be. After all these documents date back to the 50's. It seems it would have been easy to just let everyone think that UFOs are from other planets and piloted by aliens, it would be a perfect cover for secret projects.
In the end, it is hard to say what might be earth made and what might be from another planet due to all of the hidden projects, disinformation, propaganda, and cover ups. I personally have seen things that I thought were not anything of ours.
As for the documents, someone could search patents about the claim in the document of a patent being given for a flying disc.
The UFO phenomenon has always been interesting to me, but I rarely share my deep thoughts about them. These documents and the old video are just a small piece of a very large pie. We may never find all the answers about UFOs, but we will keep digging and looking for clues.
This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.
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