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Monday, June 8, 2015

I got in a report of a Thunderbird sighting. This is the first one I have got in a long time. By reading over the report I think it is safe to assume that this has never been reported until now.

Here is the report.

- Start Report - 

Name: Luci

Email Address: On file

State: MO


Date of Sighting: early 90's

Time of Day: mid day

Nearest Town: Maryville

Length of Sighting: several minutes

How many Witnesses: 2

Any Photos/Videos: no

Describe sighting in detail:
I saw on your map this "thunderbird" sighting and it took me back to a day of bird hunting long ago. Myself, my now ex husband, and our Brittany, Scout had gotten an early start to a beautiful day of quail and pheasant hunting. It was mid day and we were on the long trek back to the truck when we heard Scout just going nuts. He was a very calm and professional bird dog and we ran as fast as we could because we were very concerned. Holy crap.
We couldn't believe our eyes and to this day I still can't quite believe what we saw. A huge, monstrous dark gray bird apparently stuck in the mud with it's wings just flailing violently. Scout was lunging at it as if he'd hit the jackpot. That bird was at least 20 foot from tip of wing to tip of wing. I was young at the time and my husband simply explained to me that hawks could get very huge. I told a few people about it and they simply told me that I must be mistaken, that no bird gets that big. I know what I saw that day. I'll never forget it. I had never heard of this "thunderbird" until I saw your map and read about the sighting in Nebraska in 1990. The area we were hunting that day is close to the NE southern border. Thank you for your web site. I now know that I'm not crazy and that I really DID see what I know I saw.

- End Report -

Thanks goes to Luci for sending in the report. It seems that most of these Thunderbird sightings happen in the north.

For those who may not know, a Brittany is a breed of dog that is used for bird hunting.


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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