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Monday, July 21, 2014

Davy Crockett National Forest
Map of area - Davy Crockett National Forest

This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

Some may wonder what a Dogman is, well to the best we can understand it is a type of bigfoot that has a slightly different look. Dogman have a dog type snout but are still considered a Bigfoot. Most consider it some type of split or subspecies from Bigfoot. It should also be noted that Dogmen have a stigma of being more aggressive than Bigfoot. This Dogman report is a good one, Thanks to Linda for submitting it and letting us share. 

- Start Report -

Name: Linda ******
Email Address: Withheld
State: Texas
County: Kennard
Date of Sighting: Dec 2 or 3 2011
Time of Day: nooish
Nearest Town: Unknown
Length of Sighting:  Probably not more than a minute and a few seconds
How many Witnesses: One
Any Photos/Videos: No
Describe sighting in detail:
Hubby and I were returning home from Houston Texas after spending Thanksgiving with family. We were late leaving and a frustrated hubby programmed into our new GPS system the **SHORTEST** route home. He claims he Will Never Do That Again.
We ended up on a RUTTED dirt road, on route 7 I think, that went through the middle of The Davy Crockett National Forest. We were barely going 10 miles an hour. Hubby was driving our stretched Suburban slowly due to road conditions, I could have walked beside the car if I had worn walking shoes!
I was turned towards hubby looking out his side of the car and frontward towards where we were headed. I was petting our new dog who was sitting in the back with his head and shoulders between us.
I noticed a large clearing beside the road with a huge stump which had something hairy and black squatted down by it. I remember thinking, Wow, a bear still out in early December.
Well, as I watched, the "bear" stood up on 2 legs, turned away from the car, took 3 or 4 steps, then stretched his long, long, long arms out like he was going to climb a nearby tree and I said" What is an orangutan doing in the forest"? Then it turned towards us, It was massive, it had a BF face except it had a snout , it had short matted black hair all over his face and body. He had to weigh several hundred pounds.
The Dogman and I stared at each other until he was out of sight.
Hubby refused to go back for pictures or evidence.

- End Report -

Thanks again for the report, Linda!

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