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Sunday, September 15, 2013

massive die off of Starfish
Dead Starfish
After reporting about the massive die off of some Elk, I got to looking and there has been several more massive die offs recently. A tip from David Lambert let me to these other die offs.

In British Columbia, Canada there was a massive die off of Starfish discovered by marine biologist and scuba enthusiast Jonathan Martin. The deaths remain a mystery but some speculate that it could be some type of parasite. Here is a link to a video of the dead starfish - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIsbLpQQows

Another massive die off happened in central Kazakhstan, where 3,000 Saiga antelopes were found dead. The Committee of Forestry and Hunting in cooperation with the Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems and Veterinary Service are researching for a cause of the massive die off.

This seems to be a really big issue in the region as representatives from other groups including  Ecology Departments of Akmola and Karaganda Oblasts, Veterinary Services, Emergency Situation Department, Internal Affairs Department and Sanitary and Epidemiological Control Service has got involved to try and determine the cause of the deaths.

This is the second massive die of Saiga antelopes, the other one happen in 2012 with over 600 antelopes being found dead.

It seems there are few answers to these animal deaths, but a lot of speculations. Could it be something natural that just happens or are their other factors involved. No one seems to know at the moment.

I remember a couple years ago there were massive bird deaths, even 1 or 2 in Kentucky best I can remember. There were also many fish deaths in several spots around the world. It makes one wonder about such events. Until the last few years I had never really heard or thought much about massive animals deaths but I suppose they were happening. Now I hear about Bees dying off, birds dying off and all these other animals.
I do find it interesting and wonder about it, maybe we will get some answers at some point.


[Sources: National Geographic, Tengri News, Watchmen News ]


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Sunday, September 15, 2013 No comments » by Thomas Marcum
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