Never Disappoint Bongo! |
Ketchum DNA Study -
First lets look at the Dr. Ketchum DNA Study. A 5 year study with over 100 reported DNA samples from bigfoots. The study finally published in what some are calling Self Publishing. This only fueled the controversy over the study. The unknown part of the DNA was labeled as "Angel DNA" by some and was quickly tied to the Nelphlim, which links to the Bible. This was a target for many people, seeing that the bigfoot community has a large number of people who do not believe in God or the Bible, the attack was on.
Many scientist ripped the study and didn't support it, but a few scientist came out and supported the 5 year study and the published results. In the end you must ask yourself one question about this bigfoot DNA study, "Did the results of the DNA study prove or convince anyone, who did not already believe in bigfoot, that bigfoot is a real creature?" To me that answer is No. Please don't get me wrong, I think there were many good and real bigfoot DNA samples in the study but it appears they have been wasted at this point.
I was glad about the bigfoot DNA study and had some hope for it, but in the end it was a disappointment for me and many in the bigfoot community. I do support the efforts of DNA study and hope that some good comes from all of it.
Genome Link: Sasquatch Genome
The Erickson Project Videos -
One can not talk about the Ketchum DNA study without bringing up the Erickson Project. This was said to be directly related to the DNA study and have a pending release of HD footage videos of bigfoot. While the publishing of the Ketchum paper did bring about the release of a small clip of a sleeping bigfoot named Matilda it was quickly attacked by skeptics and critics. The Footage which appears below was later said to be a worked up Chewbacca mask.
Later some photos were leaked of Matilda and that only added fuel to the Chewbacca Mask theory.
Photo by Bill Munn
The Erickson people have kept an extremely low profile over these last months. There are rumored to be many HD quality videos of bigfoot in their project. Why has nothing been released is a valid question. I still hold out some hope that at some point the videos will be released but so far disappointment has taken center stage.The Justin Smeja Story -
If you have not heard of this one, here it is in a nut shell. Smeja and a buddy was out hunting and he killed two bigfoots, one of which was a child bigfoot.
When I first got some of the details about this story I thought it could be real. Smeja is a very experienced hunter and he seems like a pretty nice guy, but did he shoot 2 bigfoot remains to be proven.
Some DNA samples from this reported event was also included in the Ketchum DNA study and was confirmed to be from bigfoot, but later another sample was sent to a different lab and the results came back a bear and human. So what is one to believe? There are rumors of some infighting between Smeja and Ketchum, could this have anything to do with it?
Smeja did passed a lie detector test, but this was quickly met with doubts by believers and skeptics alike due to how it all came about. I personally don't have much of an opinion about the lie detector part as they can be fooled and passed and are not even allowed in some court cases depending on the state.
In the end no real proof this event happened has been presented in a way to really prove it was real.
Daisy in a Box Story -
This was the wildest most far fetched story to come down the pipe. Here was a elite secret unit of well trained sasquatch hunters, who managed to capture a live bigfoot. The only thing was there was no photos released and all the details were pretty vague. This was all started by a few post made on a forum and it grew it's own legs and started to run. This story was on almost every bigfoot blog and forum on the internet. In the end it turned out to be nothing more than a hoax. I personal was not disappointed in the story as I never believe it in the first place.
Extra Reading: Bigfoot Captured, Russian captured Bigfoot
The Tent Video -
I know everyone has heard about this story. Rick Dyer reportedly killed a bigfoot in San Antonio, TX. When I first got into this story I thought it could have been real but later on the story changed a little so I backed away from it as something just didn't seem right.
Several people backed the story (some still do) and a few confirmed that Dyer had a real bigfoot body. As of today there has been no body shown to the public. The movie that came out about this event was called "Shooting Bigfoot" and after the showing many people were disappointed by the ending. The ending of the film you get to see a bigfoot type creature for about 3 seconds and you hear some gun fire but that's it. You never see the body in the film.
What this story managed to do was get the infighting to an all time high with many personal attacks in every corner of the bigfoot world.
In the end there is still no proof that Dyer has a bigfoot body. The best evidence to support this story is the Tent Video itself. It is a good video and has not officially been debunked (I guess) but there have been some reports that it is one of Dyer's friends (A large black man) dressed up or maybe in front of a green screen. There has been a ton of videos surrounding this story, I have made several myself, but in the end the body still has not been shown. The new target date for the showing of the body is said to be in August, this according to Dyer.
In the end this appears to be nothing more than a well rehearsed hoax. I invite everyone to do some research yourself and view the massive amounts of info about this story and make up your own mind.
Tent Video Links: Tent Video, Tent Video 2
Here is a enhanced still frame from the Tent Video
Hunter Killed a Bigfoot -
This is/was a new "I shot bigfoot" story and it even had a police report, but the real story was that no where in the 911 dispatch or police report did it involve a dead or shot bigfoot. All the man said was he had proof of bigfoot and his proof turned out to be nothing more than some bear tracks.
So what fueled this story? well it seem a few bigfoot blog sites pushed it as a hunter killing a bigfoot, I'm not sure who or where they got the info but once a story like that gets out it grows on it's own.
Here is the 911 call
So as you can see disappointment in the bigfoot community has been coming a lot the last several months but don't let it get you down. This is not all of the disappointing stories, there are plenty more and I expect more to come in the future. I didn't even cover all the stump photos that are reported to be bigfoot.
These type of stories seem to do more harm to the bigfoot community as a whole than good. The infighting and the name calling has really went overboard the last year. This type of thing really takes away from people who are really trying to do honest research. It seems the wild stories and claims get a lot of attention but I guess that is the point.
2013 was said to be the year of bigfoot but so far it has turned out to be mostly disappointing. Sometimes life in general has disappointing moments but you can't give up, you just got to keep moving forward.
Hopefully the rest of the year will be filled with some good and true bigfoot stories. So lets just keep on squatchin'. (yeah I hate that word)
Have a great Summer!
[Bongo Photo:montyobv blog]
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I firmly believe that the only way to prove the existence of Sasquatch is for someone unknown to the Bigfoot community to show up unannounced with a dead body. No news conference announcement; etc. Just show up at say a local news channel station, go to the door & say "I have something out here in the bed of my truck that will change the world. Bring your cameras & film this." Then let the chips fall where they may. It's sad but true that another magnificent creature may have to die in order for them to be recognized, then protected.