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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The folks over at FB/FB released the following video of  what is claimed to be a sasquatch.

Here is what is said about the video.
"Camper films Sasquatch with iPhone" Uploaded 9/13/12, FB/FB saw it with just 6 views. Anonymous Camper hears activity and pulls out his Iphone and films something behind a tree from within his tent. Confirms on Huge Nocturnal eyes, tree hiding/peeking, Heavy Brow Ridge, Coned Head, sloping forehead, Gorilla-like shoulders with human-shaped face and nose, Long upper lip. Many features of archaic humans. This is a preliminary analysis. Will eventually be released in color."

FB/FB has done some good work in the past but some of their analysis can be questioned.
As for this video I think we really need to see the color version.
I have compared a still frame from the video to a known bigfoot suit....see what you think.

Still frame - bigfoot suit 

Looks pretty close to me,but hard to say for sure...I'd guess the color version would show more detail either way. Maybe bigfoot suffers from male pattern baldness?
In any case it is a somewhat interesting video and it will be fun to see where this ends up.
Thanks goes to FB/FB for sharing the video.


UPDATE: I have done a little more research into the origin of this video. It appears that this new group of people from the website shootingsasquatch.com released the video. This is their first release of a actual bigfoot video but it seems like they have more coming. No other real info about the group is on the website, but just seems kind of spoofy to me. Shooting sasquatch....do they mean with a gun or a camera? I think they mean with a camera ,Butchykid style. 

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  1. This site use to be so cool to look at but now it's just gone to shit!I will never waste my time with this site again! There is better sites out there.I think BIGFOOT is real but this website is soo boring you stop loving to talk about ''him''. What a joke with no punchline

    1. I agree it use to be alot better but its an ok way to waste some down time

  2. well Your choice and I know Bigfoot is real but I have doubts about this video.

  3. it is a boring site aint it.i agree it use to be good.i rarely come to this site anymore.get this site rocking again....matt

  4. looks nothing like the mask. the face on the sasquatch had expressions. You can't do that with a mask or suit.

    1. some are saying it is a guy with sun glasses and a hoodie on ..still looks like the mask to me because of the high forehead ....who know for sure...maybe they will release the colored version.


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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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