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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What is this a track of?
TCC - A couple of days ago I was contacted by Matt Wilson. He told me about some odd tracks he had found and sent me some pictures. They are interesting and the tracks are somewhat small.
Could this have been a baby or young bigfoot ?
Here is what Matt said:
"Hello! I thought I would show these to you.
 I saw these tracks near Mt. Shasta, CA a couple of weeks ago. I followed them for about half a mile up the mountain before it started snowing heavily so I headed back.
They definitely looked like they were from something bipedal and they were in-line similar to that of reported bigfoot tracks.
However they were small (only 4-5 inches). There were no other tracks around.
If it was a human, why would a little kid be walking around in the middle of the woods all alone? Possible juvenile bigfoot? Possible prints from the so-called Lemurians that are said to be small and live inside Mt. Shasta? (I'm leaning more towards the bigfoot explanation). Anyways, I'm a fan of your site so I figured I'd show you. Thanks!"
TCC - I encouraged Matt to make a return trip to the area if possible and look for other evidence. These tracks are in-line which is commonly reported of bigfoot tracks.
We at TCC thank Matt for sharing his find with us and for following our sites.
Here is the other photos Matt sent us:
Photo by Matt Wilson
Photo by Matt Wilson
Photo by Matt Wilson
Photo by Matt Wilson
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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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