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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Don't shoot!
Hollywood animation bigwig talking to Justin Smeja – cinema version of Sierra Kills may be in the works.
My new source in Texas tells me he found a Twitter account belonging to someone who he would not name, but he said it was “the guy who did the animation for the Lord of the Rings films.”
The source then began emailing the animation guy and ended up having long email conversations with him, during the course of which the source learned a lot. According to these conversations, the animation guy contacted Smeja and told him he believed Justin’s story. “You just can’t make this stuff up,” he said. The man then told Smeja that he would like to bring his Sierra Kills story to life via animation. At some point, the man was shown drawings of the adult and baby Bigfoots killed at the Sierra Kills.
No one knows what this all adds up to, but the man said he intends to bring Smeja’s story to life in some way. Whether this will be a full movie or a part of a documentary, no one knows.
[Via Robert Lindsay Blog ]

TCC -  hmmm..maybe Justin can make a few dollars off of his story and That is cool with me. I would probably watch it if ever gets made.

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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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