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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Some are saying the boxes and ufos are to blame. Some report hearing strange bird like sounds.
“We followed the sound until its frequencies started to pluck our nerves. We stopped and then looked down into this pond in there were these endless cries of something or someone inside our ears or minds. Each time we return to the pond, there’s something down there that we just can’t reach or understand. Its acoustics are out of this world – for sure,” said Bray’s Point local Errol who said “I didn’t want to mention this after those boxes, but there’s been a ceaseless hum of something under that water for nearly a month now.” In turn, Errol said the consensus is “don’t disturb it. Leave it alone.”
What’s with Bray’s Point and strange stuff?
Drumming his nails on the kitchen table that looks out at the mighty Pacific Ocean, Errol starts making a noise like pigeons’ feet on his roof. He then explains “that’s sort of how it sounds in the evenings when we approach the pond. It’s not unlike when you hear those frogs during the early springtime. But, this is very different because all this strange stuff started happening after those UFO sightings two weeks ago.”
Errol was then reminded that “several types of strange metal boxes” have now been examined; with the “official” theory being they are simply pieces of docks that may have broken away last March when the earthquake in Japan.
Meanwhile, Errol exclaims: “I’ve never seen a dock look like what we've had on our beaches."
Later, he does concede that not all the “strange stuff” going on at Bray’s Point has to do with UFOs.
“This is an ancient plot of land that the Native American tribes lived on back hundreds of years and even thousands of years,” he adds; while admitting that even as a long-time UFO watcher he still feels creepy when outside at Bray’s Point when the “night shadows play tricks with your mind.”

UFOs also believed to be underwater
A report from leading scientists about clues to how life evolved – “not on this planet but also possibly on alien worlds” – was recent reported on LiveScience.com, and also featured on news.yahoo.com, stating that experts are now looking below as well as into outer space for “these clues.”
While there are many bodies of water that hold these “clues to life evolving on Earth from alien worlds,” researchers are now focused on underwater caves in the Bahamas, stated the LiveScience.com report.
The report notes, for example, how “the caves in question are called "blue holes," so-named because from the air, their entrances appear circular in shape, with different shades of blue water in and around them. There are estimated to be more than 1,000 such caves in the Bahamas, the greatest concentration of blue holes in the world.
"It's really incredible to be swimming down a passage that no one has ever been in before, to experience that thrill of discovery," said researcher Tom Iliffe, a marine biologist at Texas A&M University at Galveston. "At the bottom of a cave, there's no telling what might be around the next corner."

Mystery of UFO life under the water
LiveScience.com also reported how “Iliffe and his colleagues examined three inland blue holes in the Bahamas. They discovered that layers of bacteria exist in all three, but each of these water-filled sinkholes had significantly different microbes living in them from the others.
"We're finding new forms of life that are totally unknown elsewhere on Earth," Iliffe told OurAmazingPlanet in this LiveScience.com report that goes on to explain how “within each blue hole, the microbes the researchers found varied depending on the depth, owing to how the water in them was separated into distinct fresh- and saltwater layers as well as oxygen-poor or virtually completely oxygen-depleted layers. The blue holes also varied from each other due to differences such as food sources.”
"We examined two caves on Abaco Island and one on Andros Island," Iliffe said. "One on Abaco, at a depth of about 100 feet (30 meters), had sheets of bacteria that were attached to the walls of the caves, almost one inch (2.5 centimeters) thick. Another cave on the same island had bacteria living within poisonous clouds of hydrogen sulfide at the boundary between fresh- and saltwater. These caves had different forms of bacteria, with the types and density changing as the light source from above grew dimmer and dimmer."
"In the cave on Andros, we expected to find something similar, but the hydrogen sulfide layer there contained different types of bacteria," Iliffe added. "It shows that the caves tend to have life forms that adapt to that particular habitat, and we found that some types of the bacteria could live in environments where no other forms of life could survive. This research shows how these bacteria have evolved over millions of years and have found a way to live under these extreme conditions."

Life forms now found under the Earth
"These bacterial forms of life may be similar to microbes that existed on early Earth and thus provide a glimpse of how life evolved on this planet," Iliffe explained in the LiveScience.com report. "These caves are natural laboratories where we can study life existing under conditions analogous to what was present many millions of years ago."
Specifically, "these caves have no light and therefore no photosynthetic production of oxygen, which means the dissolved oxygen levels are either low or nonexistent, similar to the environments that probably existed on the early Earth," Iliffe said.
In turn, ufologists state that such findings might also shed light on how life might have developed on distant planets and moons, and why there’s “signs of life just about everywhere anybody wants to look – from Bray’s Point to the Bahamas.
Image source of strange underwater life in a still forest pond near Bray’s Point, Oregon. Photo by Dave Masko

[Via Huliq.com ]

TCC -Is the story of the Metal Boxes ever going to end? It seems some new info or new development is always taking place. Still some are saying it all a hoax and others are saying there is something to it.  Dave Masko is getting some really hateful remarks threw at him on the story as well but has stuck to his story and produced a couple of photos of the metal boxes. Most are saying it is just an effort to drive visitors to the Huliq site but by looking at some of the remarks about this story I would say it is doing just the opposite. I keep following it because it is somewhat interesting and people seem to be wanting to hear about it. Yes it could be a hoax but there could also be something to it ...I guess we will just have to wait and see how it all plays out.

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