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Friday, December 16, 2022

Bigfoot Trackline Found in Oregon!

This breaking report comes out of Oregon where around 75-100 possible Bigfoot tracks have been found in a dry lake area. It is not uncommon for lakes to be down low this time of year. And we all know that the area in general, is a fantastic area for Bigfoot and Bigfoot sightings.

Here are more details and a short video of some of the tracks.

Here are the details so far.

Found in the morning hour on December 8th, 2022 with overcast skies. 

Found in a dry lake bed near the shoreline. Approximately 75-100 juvenile Bigfoot tracks that appear to have been made by one individual. You can also clearly see some toe definition in some of the tracks.

According to the witness, a track casting was made of at least one of the footprints. There was also a possible hair sample that was taken.

At this time we are withholding the witnesses name for privacy reasons. 



 Here is a short video of the tracks, which appear to be in a straight line. 

We have an interview pending and hope to provide a more detailed update in the future. We are very hopeful about this discovery.

 Thank you.


The witness, Robert, showed up and talked with me. Here is the new information, along with some pictures.

It rained just after he found the trackline, which is understandable for Oregon, he did bring a track casting, here are the photos.



We placed a standard letter sized envelope next to the track for some size comparison. The size would indicate a young juvenile.






A closer photograph showing some toe definition. It would be interesting to compare several track castings at once for possible toe movement.









A little more of a side view which kind of lets you see how deep the prints were in the soil.





 He also gave me the possible hair sample. It is white/greyish and about 4 inches long. It looks like it has a root on it, but hard to say for sure.

This trackline and hair sample was discovered by Robert (last name withheld) at Applegate Lake, Oregon.

What is interesting about this general area, is that this is also the home of the now famous or infamous 'Bigfoot Trap". We know this area has long been a "Bigfoot Hotspot".

The Bigfoot Trap is located in the southern part of Jackson County, Oregon. The trap is believed to be the only one of its kind, and was designed in 1974 to capture Bigfoot. It didn't work and is now a popular stopping point for tourist and bigfoot enthusiast. The trap is maintained by U.S. Forest service.

The trap is a wooden box 10 by 10 feet made of 2x12 planks bound together by heavy metal bands and secured to the ground by telephone poles.

That is all the update we have at this time.



-Bobby & Corinna-

This investigation/research by TCC Team Members Bobby & Corinna Long
Both are avid outdoors people and good researchers. Bobby and Corinna's research was featured in the documentary "Oregon: Home of Bigfoot"

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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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