Bigfoot Activity Near Wildlife Refuge?
I got the following report submitted a few days ago. The activity is located within and around the Clark's River National Wildlife Refuge. The Refuge is 8,040-acre bottomland hardwood forest in western Kentucky.
The activity described is consistent with the consensus of bigfoot behavior.
Here is the report
-Start Report-
Describe what you saw:
Me and my dad hunt the Clark’s river national wildlife refuge and have been very familiar with the area our whole life. No actual sightings but a lot of encounters to strongly suggest the presence of Bigfoot. We have witnessed tree limbs broke off anywhere between 6 to 10 feet off the ground. On one encounter we found a large snapping turtle dead and it had been randomly placed on a log upside down.
Just this past November, before deer season, I went one morning to remove some deer stands off some property we hunted the year before. This property is surrounded by the refuge. It took probably no more than 30 minutes for me to retrieve the stands. During this time I clearly was hearing continuous tree knocking. I didn’t try to be quiet and obviously I was making noise bringing the stands out of the woods. Whatever was making the knocking sounds never stopped and it did not seem to be affected by my presence.
We have had several encounters while out hunting that we detected a strong foul odor. Each time it’s happened we return a few hours later after hunting and the smell is gone. Several years ago we found a tree that was roughly 15 to 20 feet tall and was probably roughly 1 inch big around. It appeared the tree was shoved over and you could even make out a large foot shaped indentation in the ground from where whatever it was foot actually dug down into the ground as it shoved the tree over. My dad reported these incidents to local fish and game and expressed his concern. Ironically enough not long after the report was made a lot of logging was conducted in the area.
-End Report-
Thanks to Jay for the report.
The things he describes are what many would call typical bigfoot behavior. I wonder it others hunting the general area have had similar experiences or found other evidence. We can only hope some of them come forward.

Jay made some good observations and like you said the sort of "things he describes are what many would call typical bigfoot behavior". It truly would be interesting to hear from other sportsmen what they think about Clark's River National Wildlife Refuge, and if they have any tales about their observations, collected spoor, and other evidence, to tell us. C'mon Kentuckians what have you all been seeing, and hearing?