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Sunday, July 17, 2022

Squamish, BC -  Sasquatch By Myles Lamont

"What we saw was not wearing any gear and no snowshoes and covering ground very quickly."

This possible sasquatch sighting outside of Squamish, British Columbia was featured on "Paranormal Caught on Camera" February 13, 2019.  The video was captured in July, 2011 while Myles Lamont and a friend were hiking on Tricouni Peak and had stopped to rest and eat some lunch when they spotted the movement down below.

It was a bipedal "all-dark figure" that was making a rapid pace over the glacier. There appeared to be no visible rope, ice ax, back pack, show shoes, or any other sort of equipment.

Lamont is skeptical about sasquatch but knows that this was not a bear. After friends who viewed the footage showed much interest, he finally posted the video publicly May 15, 2014. 



And this is when Peter Tennant from White Rock, British Columbia stepped in. Also known as Ridgewalker Pete, he claims he is the figure in Lamont's video.

Ridgewalker Pete

The 50+ year old says he has an "odd habit" of walking by himself across remote mountain sides taking photos and videos of his walks and setting them to music. He claims he was on Tricouni Peak in July of 2011 -- the same month that Lamont was hiking.

Tennant went on to say that he saw the video on the CBC website and instantly recognized the valley as one that he has hiked and explored.  After checking his diary, he says he was doing little day hikes during a week long expedition on that mountain.

"There was a huge amount of snow left over from the winter that year and I was shocked. Even though it was summertime down in the valley, up high it sort of felt like winter," said Tennant.

He continued, "I was by myself and I wasn't really set up for avalanche stuff, so I decided to just stay in the sort of higher elevation but not go up to the peak." Tennant admitted that he had no backpack or snowshoes but he did have an emergency locator. "The snow had melted on the surface so I was just walking on top of the snow."

[One thing that concerns me with Tennant's story : if he does so much hiking in remote mountain areas, would he not have been expecting snow and colder temperatures up on the mountain? It obviously is not a secret. Lamont and his friend were prepared for the elements and terrain. Other seasoned hikers say that to be up that high without proper gear is just not 'normal'. ]

Back to Myles Lamont.

A wildlife biologist, Lamont says that the video was taken with a "simple point and shoot camera". He was actually able to view the figure better than on the recording. Lamont appears to be ultra skeptical over the existence of sasquatch.

"Perhaps the most reasonable explanation for this video is a very ill prepared hiker, hiking up a difficult section of snowline as opposed to a much easier route, one who is very physically fit and able to cover ground in unusually quick fashion and must have had very large feet as we were breaking through snow crust in just our boots."


Which could possibly describe Tennant. However, we only have Tennant's word that he hikes the mountains filming and taking photos. And we have no description of just how physically fit he is or how quickly he can hike across a snow field.

Lamont states his records show he was up on Tricouni Peak on July 2. When Tennant was asked, he stated he was up there in July -- the last week of July.

I would hazard a guess that Lamont did not film Tennant. Could it have been another "free hiker" crossing the valley without benefit of equipment? Of course. Could it have been sasquatch? Possibly

[Sources include:Paranormal Caught on Camera [tv series],M.Lamont YouTube channel,theoccultsection.com, dailymail.co.uk, huffingtonpost.ca, cbc.ca]



"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."
 "Those that know, need no further proof. Those that don't, should not demand it from others, but seek it for themselves."

This Post By TCC Team Member Nancy Marietta. Nancy has had a lifelong interest in the paranormal and cryptids. Nancy is also a published author and her book, The Price of war, has been met with great reviews.

[Please Note: Sadly Nancy passed away at the first of January, 2022. We will continue to honor her and her research by sharing her work. RIP Nancy. -Thomas]

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