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Friday, October 22, 2021

Can Bigfoot Camouflage?

Some people discard the notion of sasquatch or bigfoot being able to camouflage. It is considered something impossible or supernatural. In other words : Fiction.

But stop and think for a moment. While we as humans manufacture ways to blend in with nature and our surroundings, nature provides a way to blend in for many of those who live outside of paved surfaces.

We have seen the photograph of the giraffe hiding in the stand of trees. And we have heard how zebras and tigers are striped to blend in.

If you can't find the giraffe, skip to the end for the reveal.
 Still doubt? Take some time and look through the following photographs. There is an animal in each one.

 But it doesn't stop with the African and Asian continents. It is also true in the Americas.

So now let's move to sasquatch and bigfoot. Consider their natural colors and then think of the colors in the woods and fields. Think of the shades of brown, the shadows, the sun dappled trees, ground, leaves and grasses.

They can do naturally what we, trapped by our civilization, have designed camouflage clothing and ghillie suits to do.

Giraffe Revealed  


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."
 "Those that know, need no further proof. Those that don't, should not demand it from others, but seek it for themselves."

This Post By TCC Team Member Nancy Marietta. Nancy has had a lifelong interest in the paranormal and cryptids. Nancy is also a published author and her book, The Price of war, has been met with great reviews.

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  1. Nancy, I like your writings. This camouflage posting is a good example of a writing I like. The lifelong hunter in me and the lifelong careful observer of wild bird and mammal's lifestyle/ways-and-means/conduct-in-nature wishes to add something to your nice camouflage story. And that is each wildlife species' way of going stone-still -- even for long periods of time. Camouflage coloration is one thing. But if an animal with otherwise good camouflage coloration is moving, its presence is betrayed by that movement. On the other hand, when that animal's camouflage is used in combination with stone-stillness, the animal can be nearly impossible to discern. We humans are about the only species that cannot sit still for long. We are too fidgety. But each individual of each wildlife species spends a fairly high percentage of its time being stone still, and most certainly when a predator is sensed by them to be nearby. Each individual animal of each wildlife species is a survivor first and foremost. They want to survive second by second, minute by minute, day by day, etc. so that they can make it to the next breeding season and play their role in procreating. This is done all in the interest of keeping their own self, and thus their species, in existence.

    In short, Camouflage Colors + Stone-Still = Near Invisibility.

    Just food for thought.

  2. I have another thought to share about animal camouflage. There are brightly-colored bird species in nature -- mainly males, but even some females of some species. Some examples in North America are: (1) the bright red male Northern Cardinal, (2) the bright orange-and-black male Baltimore Oriole, (3) the bright yellow male American Goldfinch, (4) the bright scarlet-and-black Scarlet Tanager, and many more. Studies have shown, and if you are a keen birder you can attest to this, that even with those bright colors, these birds can virtually disappear when they are in the leafy foliage of a tree -- even when the bird is positioned such that you have a direct line-of-sight to it. It is astounding how those gaudy bird colors actually match and blend in with the natural colors of tree foliage when sun and shade do their fascinating interplay. These birds vanish in such situations just as easily as, say, the drab-colored vireos and flycatchers do. Run your own experiment on this and see (or don't see!) for yourself!

  3. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on animal behavior. Their ability to remain silent and still for long periods of time certainly does assist in keeping them invisible -- no matter their coloration. And thank you for your kind words on my posts. I try to write about a variety of things -- mostly how they pop into my ever churning mind. LOL. Hopefully, I am managing to find something that interests different people on different days.

  4. Ah yes -- silence! Another key to the equation. And if we can roll bright colors (red, orange, yellow, and maybe more) into the "camouflage color" regime, the equation is then:

    Camouflage Coloration + Stone-Stillness + Silence = Near Invisibility.

    Squirrels come to mind. Even as a hunter of squirrels, I see squirrels only when they are moving OR when they are barking while sitting virtually still. And for every squirrel I see, how many others are within eyeshot that I don't have a clue are there? 5, 10, 15??


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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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