This next report was submitted to us a few days ago and it is rather interesting. We often get questions about bigfoot eye shine and asked about the various colors of eye shine. This report also demonstrates the stealthy behavior of bigfoot and their ability to stay motionlessness for periods of time.
Another reason I find this report interesting is that a close family member recently saw this same color eye shine while driving in the early morning. I hope to make a short report out of that event in the coming days.
Here is the report about the hikers.
-Start Report-
Name: Kalie
Email Address: On File
State: MT
County: Not Stated
Date of Sighting: 8-13-13
Time of Day: 5:30 pm
Nearest Town: Shepherd
Length of Sighting: 2 Minutes
How many Witnesses: 3
Any Photos/Videos: No
Describe sighting in detail:
There was a singular orange glow coming from the middle of the tree. I tried to be rational, that area was shadowed, but the field beyond it was lit and there was sun light shining through the trees, I figured it was a squirrel or chipmunk in a burrow as they're extremely common in the area. I couldn't take my eyes off of it however, and after a long time staring at it, it moved, not just a little but a lot.
Now I could see that there was 2 glowing orange balls attached to a solid mass behind the tree, not the tree itself. Now what I saw before me wasn't a tree with a deformed split in it, but a normal forked tree, with a massive 7ish foot form behind it. It had big broad shoulders and no neck leading to its head. I was frozen for a solid 20 seconds before I grabbed a female friend I was with and instructed her where to glance. Immediately as she laid eyes on the creature she gasped, grabbed my hand and told me to 'RUN NOW'!
In the process, we left behind our other female hiking companion, who at that moment let out a blood curdling scream, before we saw her running over to us. We didn't stop running until we found shelter, only then did our 3rd female companion tell us why she let out such a blood curdling scream. After we ran, she looked around to see where we went and witnessed a tall humanoid approaching her from behind a tree.
-End Report-
A big thanks to Kalie for the report. When it comes to bigfoot eye shine it seems the color can vary. I have had reports with green, orange, red and even yellow. I would assume light source and angle play a part in the color. Now if we are shinning a light directly into the eyes of a bigfoot or known animal, I would think the color would be more accurate and defined.
If anyone else has a sighting they would like to report, then feel free to contact us or click the "Report a Sighting" link at the top of the page.

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