Witness Describes Seeing Triangle Crafts
Saw 2 triangle UFOs about 3-4 years ago with my dad. Sighting took place off of 78th St. and Parallel in Kansas City, Kansas. The objects were heading west bound toward Colorado, saw one first moving slow and low, size of a football field, triangle with a light on each point with a red light in the middle.
It was moving way too low and silent for the size. Then it started moving extremely fast out of nowhere. So I grabbed my dad from inside, he came out saw it from a distance, and the lights looked like an airplane from that angle due to the triangle shape, it could be mistaken for wings. He said it was an airplane, almost immediately a second craft came overhead and started chasing the first. My dad was able to see this one, so I have confirmation I'm not crazy, he said he'd never seen anything like it in his life and didn't know what it was.
I had drawn sketches of the craft immediately and drew the flight path where I saw them, so as to not muddy my memory with incorrect information when I researched the subject.
It was 2018 December about 8pm around mid December.
The thing changed speeds with no effort and it didn't seem like any engine, it was almost silent and not too far above the tree line.
-End Report-
A big thanks to Cody for the report. If anyone else has a report to share with us, feel free to use the link above or to contact us via email.

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