Possible Bigfoot Hair and More
Today I shared something I had not shared before. I did it in a Facebook Live video, which I will also share here, and I will also include several photos. This is most likely Bigfoot hair from a juvenile bigfoot.
I was out filming for season 2 of Almost Live: The Hunt for Bigfoot when I found three distinctive juvenile bigfoot tracks. I selected the best track of the three and make a plaster casing of it. It held more treasures than I knew at first.
Below are a series of pictures documenting the track casing.
Here is the track I selected to cast. It was the deepest and most clear of the tracks. These were all in a moist area and in the inline pattern. There were no other visible tracks near these three tracks. This was also an area where I had found numerous tracks, of varying sizes, over the years. The largest track I ever found in this area was roughly 23 inches long. These three tracks were approximately 10 inches in length. This is also the area where I found a track line with over 30 tracks in it. This again is the area where I captured a game cam picture of a bigfoot. This area is also where I have found numerous stick formations and many other things. A lot of this additional information is on this website.

This next photo is of the plaster after it was poured into the track impression. I let it set for a good 30-45 minutes, I wanted it to be set up pretty well as I didn't want to break it pulling it out of the ground.
Here is a close-up of the plaster casting after I got it home. During this whole process, I discovered what appeared to be 2 or 3 hairs in the casing. I pulled one out and placed it in the places baggy.
The possible hair is rather coarse, and roughly 2 inches long or more. Parts of the hair seem almost transparent. I talk more about that in the video. Could this help explain why there are some many claims of bigfoot disappearing or cloaking? I think it could be a possible answer. These types of hair could make it very easy for them to blend into the surrounding scenery.
Here is the video.
Of course, people will want me to have tested, but I just don't see the point. It is only one hair and I have handled it, so it is probably contaminated anyways. Plus if I was to send it off, I'd probably never see it again. Then of course hairs will never be accepted or proven to be from a bigfoot anyways...so it would just be useless. I'd rather keep it in my personal collection.
I do have questions about the hair. I wonder if there is a lot of difference in hair between a juvenile and an adult. Is one more coarse than the other? In what ways do they change?
In many ways, this hair is very similar to the hairs of a polar bear. Guard hairs, as they are called are almost totally transparent. Which is very similar to this hair I have...and we don't have polar bears in Kentucky. When describing the guard hairs of a polar bear they have special characteristics: they are coarse, tapered (gradually come to a point) and have a hollow core filled with air; they are made of a protein called keratin; they have light scattering particles inside them; and have tiny salt particles that sit between each hair. Surprisingly this hair I have is very much like that...that just gives me more to think about.
To learn more about polar bear hairs - Click Here.
I hope you enjoyed the post, pictures, and video. I'll plan on continuing my research, who knows what I might find in the future.
One last thing, I call this a possible bigfoot hair, but what else could it be? It was in the track of what could only have been a juvenile bigfoot track. There were no other tracks there and the area has been active for several years now.
post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the
cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto
Crew. Over 20 years of experience with research and investigation of
unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild
land firefighter and a published photographer, and a poet.
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The Crypto Crew

I was out filming for season 2 of Almost Live: The Hunt for Bigfoot when I found three distinctive juvenile bigfoot tracks. I selected the best track of the three and make a plaster casing of it. It held more treasures than I knew at first.
Below are a series of pictures documenting the track casing.
Here is the track I selected to cast. It was the deepest and most clear of the tracks. These were all in a moist area and in the inline pattern. There were no other visible tracks near these three tracks. This was also an area where I had found numerous tracks, of varying sizes, over the years. The largest track I ever found in this area was roughly 23 inches long. These three tracks were approximately 10 inches in length. This is also the area where I found a track line with over 30 tracks in it. This again is the area where I captured a game cam picture of a bigfoot. This area is also where I have found numerous stick formations and many other things. A lot of this additional information is on this website.

This next photo is of the plaster after it was poured into the track impression. I let it set for a good 30-45 minutes, I wanted it to be set up pretty well as I didn't want to break it pulling it out of the ground.
Here is a close-up of the plaster casting after I got it home. During this whole process, I discovered what appeared to be 2 or 3 hairs in the casing. I pulled one out and placed it in the places baggy.
The possible hair is rather coarse, and roughly 2 inches long or more. Parts of the hair seem almost transparent. I talk more about that in the video. Could this help explain why there are some many claims of bigfoot disappearing or cloaking? I think it could be a possible answer. These types of hair could make it very easy for them to blend into the surrounding scenery.
Here is the video.
Of course, people will want me to have tested, but I just don't see the point. It is only one hair and I have handled it, so it is probably contaminated anyways. Plus if I was to send it off, I'd probably never see it again. Then of course hairs will never be accepted or proven to be from a bigfoot anyways...so it would just be useless. I'd rather keep it in my personal collection.
I do have questions about the hair. I wonder if there is a lot of difference in hair between a juvenile and an adult. Is one more coarse than the other? In what ways do they change?
In many ways, this hair is very similar to the hairs of a polar bear. Guard hairs, as they are called are almost totally transparent. Which is very similar to this hair I have...and we don't have polar bears in Kentucky. When describing the guard hairs of a polar bear they have special characteristics: they are coarse, tapered (gradually come to a point) and have a hollow core filled with air; they are made of a protein called keratin; they have light scattering particles inside them; and have tiny salt particles that sit between each hair. Surprisingly this hair I have is very much like that...that just gives me more to think about.
To learn more about polar bear hairs - Click Here.
I hope you enjoyed the post, pictures, and video. I'll plan on continuing my research, who knows what I might find in the future.
One last thing, I call this a possible bigfoot hair, but what else could it be? It was in the track of what could only have been a juvenile bigfoot track. There were no other tracks there and the area has been active for several years now.

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