Today I want to share a few possible Bigfoot track photos with you. These tracks were found by our own Tony Felosi back in 2016. They have never been reported or shown until now.
These were found in a remote area of Harlan county Kentucky. It is an area that is still under development. How Tony found these tracks was that he and another person was riding a side by side doing some hiking trail inspections and developments.
This particular area, at the time, was even more rugged than it is now. As the they made their was up the mountain on the ATV, Tony noticed these human looking tracks in a sandy area of the road.They stopped the ATV and Tony took several pictures of the best track. There were several impression but the one that hit in the sandy area made the best impression.
Here is a couple more photos of the tracks.
This area is perfect for Bigfoot. There is an abundance of water and food sources.
This particular track has also had some rain/water damage to it.
There is just no way someone was walking back in that area of the mountain with no shoes on. The area has many jagged rocks and tree roots.
Recently, Tony and I was in this very same spot and the water had washed the sandy area away and covered it with rocks.
If this had of been a bear track I'm sure there would have been several clear prints in the sand. So, considering the location and the ruggedness of the area, the best guess would probably point to it being made by a Bigfoot.
Interesting find. It is also worth noting that this area is also home to a handful of Bigfoot sighting reports.

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