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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Missouri is home to several mysterious mystery creatures and tales. One of the most famous is the  Momo. The Momo is said to be a Bigfoot type of creature that is covered in hair. Momo is short for Missouri Monster and it was first reported in 1971.

I recently received an interesting sighting report from Missouri, could there be a connection to the Momo?

Here is the report and some of the follow up questions.

- Start Report -

Name: Kayla ****

Email Address: On File

State: Missouri

County: Miller

Date of Sighting: June 16, 2018

Time of Day: 2pm

Nearest Town: Iberia

Length of Sighting: About an hour

How many Witnesses: 2

Any Photos/Videos: None

Describe sighting in detail:

My boyfriend and I were Arrowhead hunting and as we were leaving we got  stuck in the creek, within minutes I started hearing what sounded like a small howling monkey You could also hear what sounded like something walking then instantly I seen this monkey like creature jump from a tree limb down into the tall grass as if almost playing peek a boo with us. I looked at my boyfriend and said did you just see what I seen? Soon afterwards conservation appeared and asked me to stay a the truck while he went and talked to my boyfriend. After they were out of sight I heard the howling monkey sounds again on my right side, then on the left I heard large limbs breaking and something threw something towards me.

Follow up questions:
TM: May I ask what happened after it threw something at you? was you able to get unstuck?
What color was the one you seen? Can you please describe the creature you saw? how big would you guess it to be?

Kayla: Yes we finally got unstuck, a friend of ours came and pulled us out. I have no idea what got thrown at me but I think it was a rock. The sound of when it hit the water. This animal I seen resembled a monkey, like a small brown monkey that was playing a game of peek a boo. The noises it made was a high pitch sound such as a baby's coo.

In the creek about 100 feet from where we seen and heard this animal we found what looked to be a nesting area/shelter area with a small area of water next to it. We've also had some strange occurrences happen here at our house which is 6 miles from where the creek is. My boyfriend Garry was walking behind our house and found a lot of disturbed trees which had been twisted and broken and also found a nest with a animal skull in it. A lot of strange deep howls also.

- End Report -

First a thanks to Kayla for submitting here sighting to us. As you can see by the date on this, it is a very fresh sighting report. I do wonder if there is a connection to the famous Momo monster but I guess that is something we would never find out.

If anyone else in this area has seen something similar, then please contact us.


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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