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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Bobby Long looking for Bigfoot Evidence.
This post is an end of year, start of new year update from our team out in the beautiful state of Oregon. It is a look back at 2017 and an update of things to come in 2018.

Oregon is a great place for Bigfoot and our team has captured a lot of evidence over the years. I also must suggest you watch, if you haven't already, Oregon Home of Bigfoot which features our team from Oregon. The DVD is also available on our Merchandise page.

Here is the update post
"A close to 2017. 

Although Corinna and myself (Bobby) didn't get out in the field as much as we would have liked to, we did manage to find more evidence than expected.

Skookum pond gave us 3 tracks in the melting snow while we hunted for mushrooms. The North Umpqua river area near Rock creek also gave usBigfoot Tracks which were photographed for us by the Digus clan. They were letting their dog out when they found their tracks.

Then there was the possbile track I found scouting near the house. It was about 17-18" long and maybe 6-7" wide.

I remember back in early 2017 we had that Bigfoot tracks we found on private property. That was a good way to start the year off.

I am sure I am missing plenty but due to our full time day jobs and our kids school schedules, I am a loss. 

That being said about 2017. We had a decent year with what little time out there we were given. We are very hopeful that 2018 will see us have a little more time for researching."

A big thanks to Bobby and Corinna for the updates and their research efforts. We all understand that sometimes work and life in general just doesn't leave much room for bigfoot researching.

Our Oregon team has done some great work over the years. They have found numerous tracks and interviewed a bunch of witnesses. We all appreciate your efforts.

Good luck in 2018!
We can't wait to see what you find.

-Bobby & Corinna-

This investigation/research by TCC Team Members Bobby & Corinna Long
Both are avid outdoors people and good researchers.
This is a report by Bobby & Corinna.

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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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