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Thursday, November 2, 2017

Laird Meadow - Courtesy of cliffbarackman.com
This is a report that is very historic but is often overlooked or forgotten completely. This footprint was found by Pat Graves on Laird Meadow Road, near Bluff Creek, California in 1963. Pat was a Forest Service Timber Cruiser. Roger Patterson was informed about the track by Pat, himself.

Patterson would of course hurry to the area in hopes of seeing the foot tracks. He made it to the tracks, documented them and made castings.

Here is the one of the casting and more information about the tracks.

This is the right foot.

The creature that made the tracks came down from a mountain, crossed Laird Meadow Road, continued down an old logging landing, and finally disappeared over a bank and into the woods. The average stride of the tracks was 52 inches.

Each footprint was 17 inches long and 5 wide at the heel. The tracks were imprinted an inch and a half deep, far deeper than Patterson's own footprints.

Evidence of a flexible foot was seen in the prints, particularly when the foot had stepped on small rocks; the toes curled over them.

Tracks were found in this area on several other occasions ranging in time from 1958 to 1963.

This is also near the famous Bluff Creek area, where this same Roger Patterson, along with Bob Gimlin, would film the historic Patty footage in 1967.

Laird Meadow is still considered a sacred place by most Native Americans. Many call this area "Mountain of the Thunderbird.." according to what I have read.

I'm glad this tracks and story has been preserved after all these years. It is an important piece to the bigfoot puzzle and part of bigfoot history. I'm glad I'm able to re-tell this event and share it with the bigfoot world. I'm guessing many enthusiast didn't know about it.


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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