This report comes from our team out in Oregon. As some of you may know Bobby and Corinna often times use bigfoot research as a family outing. Many times they take their children with them while out conducting filed research. This time, it was Bobby's son Hunter who discovered this possible old bigfoot track.
Here is the details about the track.
Here is what Bobby had to say.
"Hunter found this on Elk creek near Lost creek reservoir in Josephine county, Oregon. Those are my size 12 nikes in the picture.
That makes these tracks 17" long x 7" wide."
Of course, we can't 100 percent say this track was made by a bigfoot because the track lacks detail and is washed out. But it could very well have been, after all this is a perfect area and Bobby has found numerous other bigfoot track in this general area in the past.
Also, a congratulation to young Hunter, for being aware and knowing what to look for, Good job Hunter!
-Bobby & Corinna-

Both are avid outdoors people and good researchers.
This is a report by Bobby & Corinna.

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